The legacy use of the word “debt” misleads people into thinking it is “debt.” It is not.
Call It “National Money” Not “National Debt”
The problem with using the term "National Debt" is it misleads people into thinking it is "debt." It isn't.
The "National Debt" measures the currency spent into the economy without being taxed out.
Money is just IOUs. Money is debt.
I found the right word. It should be called the "National Money."
Apparently "whatever it takes" is a synonym for "No extra money" in crazy world of neoliberal economics.
The tragedy - Labour agree with Sunak/Hunt.
Governments with a sovereign currency & central bank CREATE new money by spending it & promote growth by so doing. REAL growth, not meaningless GDP growth. They can use targeted taxation to restrict inflation & reign in accelerating inequality. #Starmer/#Sunak & #Reeves/#Hunt KNOW this, but they'd rather we DIDN'T.
If people understood what MMT says, they'd understand that the world doesn't need the wealthiest to be the guardians of what gets investment - and collecting the return on that investment.
MMT the Movie - I wish I could make the Sept 30 Woodstock, NY premier of "Finding the Money" - more details in #StephanieKelton's post:
#MMT #economics
#stephaniekelton #mmt #economics
#Documentary about #mmt will be screening in Woodstock #NY on September 30 & October 1 as part of the Woodstock Film Festival.
Day 2042
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:
#GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #News #CurrentAffairs #Business #Insights #Finance #MacroEconomics #ModernMonetaryTheory #MMT @3CRMelbourne
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #news #currentaffairs #business #insights #finance #macroeconomics #modernmonetarytheory #mmt
Day 2041
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
Day 2040
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
Day 2039
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
Wenn ein Staat eigene Schuldscheine (Währung) ausgibt, nennt man das Staatsschulden.
Wenn ein Unternehmen eigene Schuldscheine (Aktien) ausgibt, nennt man das Eigenkapital.
So richtig schlüssig ist das nicht… #mmt
Day 2038
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
Nate Hagen’s (podcast)
Doomberg: "Our Fragile Energy Economy" | The Great Simplification #83
1 hour 41 min video
I add this to climate change and to economy because the two are intimately tied. The discussion is also relevant to the war in Ukraine wrt to Russia’s ability to fund itself.
#economy #mmt #climatechange #eu #energy #russia #ukraine
Day 2037
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
i like them in form of *scrumpy* 😁
ett oliks Sanna tässäkin oikeessa? 😁😁😁
all's arbitrary, all's based on consent 😁
Day 2036
Where's Labor on: DOUBLEJobseeker/MatureAge/LowPensionAge/DSP/SoleParent/Youth?
👍🏽LET $1K/F earnings #NORoboDebt
RENT TO BUY #publichousing
#thealliance #norobodebt #freehighered #publichousing #mmt #ubi #4dayw #nacc #dinosaurduopoly
ICYMI - In Capitalist America, Bank Robs YOU | This isn’t all the result of some “invisible hand” or magic. It’s the result of individual human beings making decisions for their own material benefit. #banking #capitalism #economics #ethics #mmt #antifascism
#banking #capitalism #economics #ethics #mmt #antifascism
Sanders on the military budget
The Senate is debating an $886,000,000,000 defense budget. Here's why I intend to vote against it.
9 min video
I want to point out they’ve clapped on 86 billion more than last year.
The military didn’t even want $800 billion
#bernie #uspol #gov #mmt #economics