韓國反壟斷機構指 5G 網速誤導 三大電訊商被罰款逾 2 億港元
韓國是全球首個將 5G 網絡商業化推出的國家,現時當地有三家電訊商 SKT、KT 和 LG Uplus 正在營運 5G 網絡,至今已經 4 年時間。三家電訊商於 2018 年均取得了韓國 28GHz mmWave 頻段的營運牌照,批出的條件之一是要興建至少 15,000 個 5G mmWave 基站。
The post 韓國反壟斷機構指 5G 網速誤導 三大電訊商被罰款逾 2 億港元 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#手提電話 #5G #mmWave #韓國
FCC to ‘consider something different’ for 42 GHz band https://www.telecomstechnews.com/news/2023/jun/09/fcc-consider-something-different-42-ghz-band/ #fcc #5g #mmwave #telecoms #news #tech #technology
#fcc #5G #mmwave #telecoms #News #tech #Technology
Neural Network Helps With Radar Pipeline Diagnostics - Diagnosing pipeline problems is important in industry to avoid costly or dangerous... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/31/neural-network-helps-with-radar-pipeline-diagnostics/ #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #pipeline #mmwave #radar #ai
#ai #radar #mmwave #pipeline #neuralnetwork #machinelearning
Apple plant iPhone SE 4 mit 5G-Modem für 2025
Analyst Jeff Pu von Haitong International Securities hat in einer aktuellen Forschungsnotiz
#News #2025 #4nm-Verfahren #Apple-eigenes5G-Modem #Energieeffizienz #FaceID #HomeButton #Intel #iPhone14 #iPhoneSE4 #JeffPu #Massenproduktion #Ming-ChiKuo #mmWave #Qualcomm #Smartphone-Modem-Geschäft #SnapdragonX57-Chip #sub-6GHz-Bänder #TouchID #TSMC #Verzögerung
#News #4nm #Apple #energieeffizienz #faceid #homebutton #intel #iphone14 #iphonese4 #jeffpu #massenproduktion #ming #mmwave #qualcomm #smartphone #snapdragonx57 #sub #touchid #TSMC #verzogerung
Smart Occupancy Sensor Knows All https://hackaday.com/2023/03/23/smart-occupancy-sensor-knows-all/ #homeautomation #homehacks #occupancy #PIRsenor #security #tracking #mmwave #sensor #radar #Room
#homeautomation #homehacks #occupancy #pirsenor #security #tracking #mmwave #sensor #radar #room
Smart Occupancy Sensor Knows All - In the last few decades, building engineers and architects have made tremendous st... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/23/smart-occupancy-sensor-knows-all/ #homeautomation #homehacks #occupancy #pirsenor #security #tracking #mmwave #sensor #radar #room
#room #radar #sensor #mmwave #tracking #security #pirsenor #occupancy #homehacks #homeautomation
Ofcom to make over 6 GHz of mmWave spectrum available https://www.telecomstechnews.com/news/2023/mar/14/ofcom-make-over-6ghz-mmwave-spectrum-available/ #ofcom #5g #mmwave #telecoms #networks #uk #europe #mobile #news #tech #technology
#ofcom #5G #mmwave #telecoms #networks #uk #Europe #mobile #News #tech #Technology
📌 Millimeter waves are 5G secret weapon
#WindTre #Iliad #Vodafone #Tim #Fastweb #Telecom #openfiber #Network #telco #telcos #inwit #cellnex #zte #huawei #nokia #ericsson #telcomastodon #mobile #digitaltransformation #5g #5gnetwork #cloud #smartcity #smartcities #digitaltwins #telecoms #iot #fwa #mmwave
#windtre #iliad #Vodafone #tim #fastweb #telecom #openfiber #network #telco #telcos #inwit #cellnex #zte #huawei #Nokia #ericsson #telcomastodon #mobile #digitaltransformation #5G #5gnetwork #cloud #smartcity #smartcities #digitaltwins #telecoms #iot #FWA #mmwave
⚡️ #5G #mmWave #technology can #revolutionize the way we #connect to the #internet, offering #faster speed and lower latency than ever before.
💯 #5GmmWave is set to #transform the way we live and work.
#5G #mmwave #Technology #revolutionize #connect #internet #faster #5gmmwave #transform #5gtechnology #telcomastodon
@codechimp that's pretty clever combining all those for the final status! I've been thinking about those new #mmWave sensors for room presence, apparently they are accurate enough to detect breathing and could tell if I'm in the room or not
US 🇺🇸 mobile chip giant Qualcomm launches #5G RAN platform focused on #mmWave deployments
PeakDo's handheld game console is really more like a wireless remote for your gaming PC
#peakdo #mmwave #handheld #gaming #gamestreaming
In the aforementioned restaurant, I decided to do a #5G #speedTest while waiting for my food, on #TMobile. Cell site is maybe 900 feet away, and this is indoors. 140 MHz of #n41. This is comparable to what I get in perfect-ish conditions on AT&T #mmWave, at least on the download side.
#5g #speedtest #tmobile #n41 #mmwave
So, for some reason (probably C suite doing vacations here) AT&T #5G in Fredericksburg is positively bangin', with #mmWave and LAA #LTE with #smallCells along Main Street. 200 MHz of 38 GHz on a Galaxy S22 turns out the highest upload speeds I've seen on a cellular network.
#mmWave is ideal for congestion hotspots like city centres at peak hours, but of course with covid people have been congregating in crowds & city centres much less
South Korea has cancelled 28Ghz mmWave 5G licenses due to 'lack of spending' -> Not great news for #mmWave #5G proponents esp in such an influential market. But this is partly because the S Korea mid-band 5G experience is so good that mmWave isn't *yet* needed, its vast capacity *will* be important in time https://www.zdnet.com/article/south-korea-cancels-5g-28ghz-spectrum-allocation-to-telcos-due-to-lack-of-spending/
Browsing through coverage maps (because that’s what I do when I am meant to be both recovering from ill health, and studying…) and I noticed something called 5G Max on Optus. Looks like consumer mm wave 5G has been here for over a year now, yet to my knowledge there’s no handsets sold locally that leverage its capability.
There’s only a few very small areas covered right now. This one appears to benefit those waiting in traffic on the Westgate, or underneath on Clarendon, and those looking to browse memes while they wait at the McDonald’s drive through on city road.
Weird placement, I thought,as pedestrian traffic is low, and apparently the signal is blocked by buildings, so it can’t be used by anyone inside their homes (happy to be corrected on this!) Also seems it would be rather expensive to get to even modest coverage levels anytime soon…
Thoughts? https://www.optus.com.au/connected/leaders-insights/5g-max-unveiled #optus #5g #mmwave
#5G #mmWave is being tested in China -- in the path towards commercialization. Bands >24GHz are critical to enable more capacity in cellular networks as demand for data keeps increasing. https://www.rcrwireless.com/20221110/5g/chinese-vendors-test-mmwave-5g-standalone-using-qualcomm-x65