Memo to #MNPS: Let Teenagers Sleep
"Teenagers need about nine hours of sleep a night—but they get closer to seven. And around puberty, their circadian clocks shift by a couple of hours, meaning they get tired later at night than before and wake up later in the morning than they used to. This shift reverses at adulthood. The biological nature of this daily rhythm means that sending a teenager to bed earlier won’t necessarily mean they fall asleep earlier."
Every #Nashville Metro Schools kid this morning, but especially the highschoolers that start school at 7am and have to be on the bus at 6:15am.
It is sheer lunacy that we make our teenagers get up before 6am. Studies have repeatedly shown that adolescents' natural sleep rhythms are later on average, and that when schools changed the schedule to 9am (like the #MNPS middle school kids) you'd see an immediate improvement in test scores, mental health, behavioral issues, etc.
#nashville #mnps #startschoollater