Phil Andrews · @Phil_Andrews
1 followers · 5 posts · Server

machine vibrating the ground throughout the property again. Loud enough to be dizzying when you're among those who hear it. This was an unofficial wildlife sanctuary until fall of 2021. First it was shooting before sunrise, then dogs at all hours coinciding with this infernal machine flushing large wildlife. Rodents scurry from their holes across the field and up my walls when it's active, because someone using drones and GPS dogs has wiped out even the foxes that ate them.

#mnrf #infrasound

Last updated 2 years ago

the Kelz · @comicmizchief
0 followers · 12 posts · Server

It appears people do intro toots here.
I'm Kelly, aka Kiki aka Kelz. Pronouns are /they. Currently live in N & love living in the . I'm a , love talking about & . to 4 floofs. worker in the fall.
I've got lots of interests, mostly was on the bird app for , , & .

#she #minneapolis #twincities #dietetictechnician #nutrition #fitness #catmom #mnrf #politics #shitposting #cats #queer #Liberal #feminist #geeky #glutenfree #cosplay #karaoke #rollerderby #renaissancefestival #cvg #cooking #cocktails #comedy

Last updated 2 years ago