METALI is the first single MOA and MOMO are this asskickin chorus for the first time! With SUs new way to sing parts of the song , this is another new aspect that BABYMETAL shows to the world.
#babymetal #sumetal #moa #momo
@StephanMatthiesen @rahmstorf you are absolutely right, of course.
We've been using @moaparty for a long time, if we wanted to share same content (sporadically) — but it stopped working for us when Musk raised the paywall to Twitter API, as far as we understand it.
Didn't try alternatives to #moa yet, — but sometimes we just don't manage to post content on both platforms.
(We've experimented with "Mastodon first" as well, with some toots cited on Twitter, — but it feels like you get less reach on Musk-X for Mastodon-Links with Mastodon video, instead of Twitter video/just native tweets... On the pro side: longer videos possible on Twitter by linking to Mastodon, — and Twitter even (still) gives you embedded video play with Mastodon video.)
La désinvolture avec laquelle les élus et la police municipale orléanaises s'emparent du fléau du stationnement illégal est en train de devenir une source d'inspiration pour de jeunes artistes adeptes du "stopmotion" #TerreDeVoitures #OrleansVilleParking #moa
#terredevoitures #OrleansVilleParking #moa
Morgen geht das #mahlstrom #moa richtig los! Ist noch jemand dabei, oder hat jemand ausm #westerwald spontan Lust dort mit aufzuschlagen und ein, zwei oder drölf Bierchen zu trinken?
Cant wait for Do It Like That #TXT #TOMORROWXTOGETHER #doitlikethat #Moa
#moa #doitlikethat #TOMORROWXTOGETHER #txt
MOAMETAL (菊地最愛) The Best Moments in 10 BABYMETAL Budokan 2021
#angeloflove #babymetal #babymetallive #BABYMETALreaction #idol #kikuchimoa #moa #moakikuchi #MOAMETAL #moasmile #MOAMETAL #moametalcute #moametaldance #moametalfocus #moametalig #moametalsmile #moametalsolo #moametalver #moametal現在 #アイドル #ベビーメタル #モアメタル #菊地最愛
#angeloflove #babymetal #babymetallive #babymetalreaction #idol #kikuchimoa #moa #moakikuchi #moametal #moasmile #moametalcute #moametaldance #moametalfocus #moametalig #moametalsmile #moametalsolo #moametalver #moametal現在 #アイドル #ベビーメタル #モアメタル #菊地最愛
Cutest beans #Yeonjun #Hueningkai #연준 #휴닝카이 #모아 #투바투 #txt #moa #TOMORROWXTOGETHER
#TOMORROWXTOGETHER #moa #txt #투바투 #모아 #휴닝카이 #연준 #hueningkai #yeonjun
Hellooo! Sawasdeeka!
I've joined the Mastodon since May but have been active ytd bc of #twittermigration and am looking for people who have some interest like mine.
I am called Wirun or V. I'm currently working on creative field esp writing and experts in Thai (also native Thai)
I'm a K-Pop enthusiast and now being #TXT fan aka #MOA
I DO have some rps and ship content, just block me if you feel uncomfy
Base in Thailand, fluent in both Thai and English! Please be moots!
#moa #txt #twittermigration #Introduction
Hellooo! Sawasdeeka!
I've joined the Mastodon since May but have been active ytd bc of #twittermigration and am looking for people who have some interest like mine.
I am called Wirun or V. I'm currently working on creative field esp writing and experts in Thai (also native Thai)
I'm a K-Pop enthusiast and now being #TXT fan aka #MOA
I DO have some rps and ship content, just block me if you feel uncomfy
Base in Thailand, fluent in both Thai and English! Please be moots!
#moa #txt #twittermigration #Introduction
Repost from @.1048055tokyo on Twitter
(トゥモロー バイ トゥギャザー)
#hueningkai #taehyun #beomgyu #soobin #yeonjun #moa #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER
A throwback to watching them live in Singapore 01/04/2023 🇸🇬#TomorrowXTogether #txt #투바투 #모아 #moa #Soobin #Yeonjun #Beomgyu #Taehyun #Hueningkai
#moa #hueningkai #taehyun #beomgyu #yeonjun #soobin #모아 #투바투 #txt #TOMORROWXTOGETHER