"You go down just like Holy Mary 🎶
Mary on a, #MaryOnACross (trainer)🎶
Not just another Bloody Mary 🎶
Mary on a, Mary on a 🎶"
Good luck getting rid of this earworm. 😉😈
With ghoulish regards to @thebandGHOST@twitter.com & of corpse to @Ghost_Band_Aids@twitter.com!
#maryonacross #kattoon #ghosttheband #moac
"You go down just like Holy Mary 🎶
Mary on a, #MaryOnACross (trainer)🎶
Not just another Bloody Mary 🎶
Mary on a, Mary on a 🎶"
Good luck getting rid of this earworm. 😉😈
With ghoulish regards to @thebandGHOST@twitter.com & of corpse to @Ghost_Band_Aids@twitter.com!
#maryonacross #kattoon #ghosttheband #moac