Ema Tavola's art curator manifesto is now up in my whare.
#NukuWomen is a taonga that keeps giving. Ema is Nuku 48.
You can get the manifesto through Vunilagi Vou her gallery, community art space.❤️ #MoanaOceania #Toi
RT @VunilagiV@twitter.com
SPECIAL!! We've arrived at the end of a short week here in Aotearoa and have reached 42% of our target of NZ$10k to support the development + presentation of #TwoSolos at Vunilagi Vou in 2023!
*CHEERS IN #MoanaOceania*
Learn more + donate 👉🏾https://www.boosted.org.nz/projects/two-solos
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VunilagiV/status/1585760070469439489
#twosolos #moanaoceania #grateful