Hey - it's #BandcampFriday and I finally remembered!
On the first Friday of every month, #Bandcamp waives it's sales fees so ALL payments go directly to the artists! I wanted to share some great music I've found there:
#OrangeCrush has a strong #BOC vibe, this is a nice intro to their #music: https://orangecrush.bandcamp.com/album/forgotten-dreams-ep
#TheBombpops are tight #pop #punk: https://thebombpops.bandcamp.com/album/death-in-venice-beach
This comp is a nice intro to #Móatún7, a great #IDM #ambient #downtempo label: https://moatun7.bandcamp.com/album/midtun
#bandcampfriday #bandcamp #orangecrush #boc #music #thebombpops #pop #punk #moatun7 #idm #ambient #downtempo
The craziness that surrounds us? It's not real. It's a frequency that we keep ourselves dialed into because we think it's reality. But it isn't. If you want you can tune into a completely different station. One where things are balanced and smooth. It's equally real - even when you can't believe it because you've always learned that reality means hardship.
#bandcamp #deep #warm #electronic #moatun7
#bandcamp #deep #warm #electronic #moatun7