With BYOD comes responsibility — and many firms aren't delivering - Apple deployments are accelerating across the global enterprise, so it’s surprising th... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3705988/with-byod-comes-responsibility-and-many-firms-arent-delivering.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #security #mobile #apple
#apple #mobile #security #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
Three-quarters of large US firms now using more Apple devices — survey - Accelerating enterprise adoption of Apple devices feels inevitable, with 76% of large ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3705613/three-quarters-of-large-us-firms-now-using-more-apple-devices-survey.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #operatingsystems #apple #macos #ios
#ios #macos #apple #operatingsystems #mobiledevicemanagement
Managed Apple IDs, iCloud, and the shadow IT connection - Apple is continuing its expansion of Managed Apple IDs for business customers, giving ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3705248/managed-apple-ids-icloud-and-the-shadow-it-connection.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #cloudcomputing #security #apple
#apple #security #cloudcomputing #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
CDW now offers Apple Business Essentials direct to SMB customers - CDW, a business and enterprise solutions provider that operates in the US, UK, and Can... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3704212/cdw-now-offers-apple-business-essentials-direct-to-smb-customers.html#tk.rss_all #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #apple #macos #ios
#ios #macos #apple #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness
‘Windows is a declining ecosystem,' Jamf CEO says - Apple's forays into the enterprise are succeeding and likely to push aside Windows ove... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3703289/windows-is-a-declining-ecosystem-jamf-ceo-says.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #windows #apple
#apple #windows #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
7 questions to ask when considering a new Apple MDM platform - As the number of platforms used in business has proliferated beyond the PC, mobile dev... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3699070/7-questions-to-ask-when-considering-a-new-apple-mdm-platform.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #unifiedendpointmanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #mobile #apple
#apple #mobile #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #unifiedendpointmanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
Mosyle brings generative AI to Apple Device Management - Apple Vision may mix reality, but the news hasn’t shifted this year’s big storyline: t... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3700171/mosyle-brings-generative-ai-to-apple-device-management.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #itmanagement #apple #macos
#macos #apple #itmanagement #mobiledevicemanagement
At WWDC, Apple hones in on device management - Apple managed to pack a lot into one keynote and one week at WWDC 2023. The Apple Visi... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3699389/at-wwdc-apple-hones-in-on-device-management.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #mobile #apple
#apple #mobile #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
WWDC: What’s new for enterprise admins and device management? - Apple Silicon, new Macs and the new Vision Pro were the hardware stars at this week's ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3698730/wwdc-whats-new-for-enterprise-admins-and-device-management.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #itmanagement #iphone #apple #macos #ipad
#ipad #macos #apple #iphone #itmanagement #mobiledevicemanagement
Addigy promises a fix for Apple devices stuck on OSUpdateScan - Enterprise admins handling fleets of Macs take note: there's a new security management... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3697314/addigy-promises-a-fix-for-apple-devices-stuck-on-osupdatescan.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #itmanagement #security #macos #apple
#apple #macos #security #itmanagement #mobiledevicemanagement
Jamf expands Apple device management and security suite - Jamf is expanding its reach with new security solutions for Android and Windows device... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3694615/jamf-expands-apple-device-management-and-security-suite.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #macos #apple #ios
#ios #apple #macos #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
7 tips for better hybrid workplaces - While many employees are being frog-marched back to the office, future-focused compani... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3693869/7-tips-for-better-hybrid-workplaces.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #collaborationsoftware #remotework #apple
#apple #remotework #collaborationsoftware #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement
Fleet announces open-source, cross-platform MDM solution - As enterprise spending pivots from hardware purchases into service subscriptions, the ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3692916/fleet-announces-open-source-cross-platform-mdm-solution.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #chromeos #windows #macos
#macos #windows #chromeos #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
Amazon’s Sidewalk could be a big boon to business - While nobody was paying much attention, Amazon created a free, nationwide wireless net... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3692350/amazon-s-sidewalk-could-be-a-big-boon-to-business.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #technologyindustry #networking #mobile
#mobile #networking #technologyindustry #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement
What’s new for IT in the latest Mac, iPhone, and iPad updates? - Apple shipped the latest point upgrades to its operating systems for Macs, iPads, and ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3691796/whats-new-for-it-in-the-latest-mac-iphone-and-ipad-updates.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #iphone #macos #apple #ipad #ios
#ios #ipad #apple #macos #iphone #mobiledevicemanagement
Hvorfor er “NIS2” så vigtig for en virksomhed at forholde sig til?
NIS2 er betegnelsen for et EU-direktiv, der skal skærpe sikkerheden omkring "kritisk infrastruktur" i Danmark. Industriens Fond vurderer at over 1000 virksomheder er omfatte
#Causerier #Datasikkerhed #CFCS #Datatilsynet #DeviceManagement #EMM #Jura #MDM #MFA #MobileDeviceManagement #NIS #NIS2 #Sikkerhed #UEM
#causerier #datasikkerhed #cfcs #datatilsynet #devicemanagement #emm #jura #mdm #mfa #mobiledevicemanagement #nis #NIS2 #sikkerhed #uem
Statslige myndigheder skal pr. 1. januar ’23 opfylde minimum disse 20 krav til IT-sikkerhed.
Staten har fastsat nogle it-relaterede minimums krav, som skal være med til at sikre "et højt sikkerhedsniveau". Disse krav kunne mange private virkso
#Datasikkerhed #Mobility #2FA #Datasikkerhed #EMM #MDM #MFA #MobileDeviceManagement #Mobility #Sikkerhedstip #UEM
#datasikkerhed #mobility #2fa #emm #mdm #mfa #mobiledevicemanagement #sikkerhedstip #uem
Jamf VP explains enterprise security threats — and how to mitigate them - Apple-focused device management and security vendor Jamf today published its Security ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3690149/jamf-vp-explains-enterprise-security-threats-and-how-to-mitigate-them.html#tk.rss_all #mobiledevicemanagement #smallandmediumbusiness #security #mobile #apple #macos #ios
#ios #macos #apple #mobile #security #smallandmediumbusiness #mobiledevicemanagement
For Apple’s enterprise success, endpoint management is the new black - Yet more data shows the acceleration of Mac adoption in the business world.Okta’s rece... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3689888/for-apples-enterprise-success-endpoint-management-is-the-new-black.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisemobilemanagement #mobiledevicemanagement #security #apple
#apple #security #mobiledevicemanagement #enterprisemobilemanagement
Er vores smartphones sikre ? Kan de hackes ?
Svaret kort er: Ja!
Både Apple og Android gør meget ud at fortælle os, at vores enheder er topsikrede. Og derved er vores billeder, data, beskeder osv. beskyttet m
#Beskytmitprivatliv #Datasikkerhed #DeviceManagement #Mobility #Overvågning #Android #AndroidOne #Apple #DeviceManagement #EMM #iOS #iPadOS #iPhone #MDM #Microsoft #MobileDeviceManagement #UEM
#beskytmitprivatliv #datasikkerhed #devicemanagement #mobility #overvagning #android #androidone #apple #emm #iOS #ipados #iphone #mdm #microsoft #mobiledevicemanagement #uem