Via @pinkdicegm -
My #MobileGMKit #MobileDMKit:
Thinkgeek (RIP) Bag of Holding, signed by Marian Call.
Dragon Shield GM screen
Dry-erase cards & markers
Ruled index cards - 3x5, 5x8in
Pencil case
Index card recipe box w/ various condensed rulesets, char sheets, blank maps, etc
Story Cubes
Dice- 10 sets
Collapsible chopsticks
Hand sanitizer
Bottle opener
Collapsible shot glass
Collapsible dice tray
As needed: laptop, session-specific books, 2x3ft map + markers,...
There is a lot to be said for having a mobile GM kit that you can carry all by yourself in one trip. You never know when you'll get to DM in a new location. #GMTip #DMTip What's in your mobile DM kit? #MobileGMKit #MobileDMKit
#gmtip #DMtip #mobilegmkit #mobiledmkit