Alright. I've decided I am actually going to do it. I am going to make Void Linux Mobile. I was on the fence beforehand because I was thinking "I am just a lowly Linux nerd. How could I ever achieve such a feat?" But with the trail having already been blazed for me by the likes of #postmarketOS #mobian and #mobilenixos it seems feasible. Don't expect anything grandiose out of this. It will just be a small hobby project.
#voidmobile #abyssal #linux #void #voidlinux #mobilelinux #linuxmobile
#linuxmobile #mobilelinux #voidlinux #void #Linux #abyssal #voidmobile #mobilenixos #mobian #Postmarketos
postmarketOS's pmbootstrap has spoiled me. Going to work on a Mobile NixOS port and having to manually setup a package and such is a completely different workflow, with most of the workflow having been handled for me under postmarketOS.
Is there a tool like pmbootstrap for Mobile NixOS? If not, I have my next project.
#postmarketOS #mobileNixOS #lowendlibre #linux #toomanyhashtags #soupguylosingtheirmind
#soupguylosingtheirmind #toomanyhashtags #Linux #lowendlibre #mobilenixos #Postmarketos
Great #MobileNixos talk by @matthewcroughan at #CCCamp23:
#mobilenixos #cccamp23 #linuxmobile
Since mt6762 mainlining is stalled until we can get another device to get logs from I am going to try and package the flashing tool MTKClient in nix.
#mainline #mobilelinux #mobilenixos #nix #nixos #lowendlibre
#lowendlibre #nixos #nix #mobilenixos #mobilelinux #mainline
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (32/2023): Summer: #FrOSCon slides and not much more
#mobilelinux #froscon #pinephone #librem5 #mobilenixos #bananaui #linuxmobile
Week 618 - Fine wines, #mobilenixos, Canoeing, Beads - DoES Liverpool