La montée progressive d'Ubuntu Touch dans la quête du troisième OS mobile
#ubuntutouch #mobileos #telephoniemobile
The message your OS battery optimization should give you after you unplug you phone from charging:
“Your next charge will take at least 8 hours to optimize your battery lifespan.” (Plan accordingly)
To differentiate that charge cycle from a relatively short charging time.
It should remind you at the 20% discharging threshold.
#BatteryCare #BatteryLife #MobileOSDevelopment
#DeveloporKindness #OS #MobileOS
#developorkindness #batterycare #batterylife #mobileosdevelopment #os #mobileos
Anyone maining #postmarketos ? How's it going, what's the experience like. What phone are you using?
#postmarketos #linuxmobile #linux #mobile #mobileos
@techprofessor It is kind of funny you post this because I'm actually looking for a new device but looking around and researching for a #privacy type device and #privacy #mobileOS
J'essaie d'avoir un contact avec murena en France sans succès
Comment faire ?
#support #opensource #yourdataisyourdata #mobile #mobileos #dataprivacy #privacymatters
#support #opensource #yourdataisyourdata #mobile #mobileos #dataprivacy #privacymatters
Sure, the Ivory app might be great. Sure, it can be argued that where iOS app innovation goes, Android apps will follow. But sometimes, it doesn't happen. For any real impact, an app must be available and affordable on other mobile operating systems, considering much more people are on Android. Let's stop assuming that what happens to a minority (iPhone users) happens to the rest in the online world (Android users + others).
#Ivory #Android #iOS #Apps #Mastodon #Fediverse #Mobile #MobileOS
#ivory #android #iOS #apps #mastodon #fediverse #mobile #mobileos
What operating system does your smartphone run? #MastodonPoll #MastoPoll #Android #Apple #iOS #smartphone #smartphones #mobileOS
#mobileos #smartphones #smartphone #ios #apple #android #mastopoll #mastodonpoll
Januar-Patchday: Google schließt 68 Sicherheitslücken in Android #Android-Patchday #Sicherheit #MobileOS #Android #Mobile
#android #sicherheit #mobileos #mobile
#ubuntutouch fühlt sich von der (g)UX gar nicht Mal so schlecht an. Flott, sleek, kann was.
Gerade sind es auch eher die kleinen als die großen Dinge, die mich stören, um für mich als Dumb-Phone-Digital-Detox-Gerät zu taugen.
Aber schauen wir Mal die nächsten Tage.
#ubuntutouch #linux #smartphone #mobileos
A good news never comes alone!
After the successful recent addition of the Easy Installer on Fairphone 4, we are also pleased to announce that our team has officially upgraded Fairphone 4 to Android 12 🥳
#upgrade #opensource #android #yourdataisYOURdata #dataprivacy #mobileOS #eOS
#upgrade #opensource #android #yourdataisyourdata #dataprivacy #mobileos #eos
Still waiting for some important improvements in /e/OS? Want to ensure /e/OS remains independent?
Consider supporting e Foundation now!
Read more how you can help us in our latest newsletter:
and in Gaël Duval's letter:
#support #opensource #yourdataisyourdata #mobile #mobileOS #dataprivacy #privacymatters
#support #opensource #yourdataisyourdata #mobile #mobileos #dataprivacy #privacymatters
RT @e_mydata
We are happy to announce you that we've released the /e/OS Easy Installer for 5 new phones including the much awaited @Fairphone 4 🥳
The newly supported devices are:
* Fairphone 4
* OnePlus 8
* OnePlus 8 Pro
* OnePlus Nord
* Pixel 4A 5G
#mobileos #eos #dev #easyinstaller
We are happy to share the news that many have been waiting for!
We have just released the /e/OS Easy Installer for 5 new phones including the much awaited Fairphone 4! 🥳
The newly supported devices are:
* Fairphone 4
* OnePlus 8
* OnePlus 8 Pro
* OnePlus Nord
* Pixel 4A 5G
You can find the Easy Installer guide as well the links to download in this page.
#easyinstaller #mobileOS #yourdataisYOURdata #eOS #dataprivacy #opensource
#easyinstaller #mobileos #yourdataisyourdata #eos #dataprivacy #opensource
We are happy to share the news that many have beeing waiting for!
We have just released the /e/OS Easy Installer for 5 new phones including the much awaited Fairphone 4! 🥳
The newly supported devices are:
* Fairphone 4
* OnePlus 8
* OnePlus 8 Pro
* OnePlus Nord
* Pixel 4A 5G
You can find the Easy Installer guide as well the links to download in this page.
#easyinstaller #mobileOS #yourdataisYOURdata #eOS #dataprivacy #opensource
#easyinstaller #mobileos #yourdataisyourdata #eos #dataprivacy #opensource
Fourth generation of #SailfishOS is here! The mobile OS with built-in privacy is now more business ready than ever. Read about it in our blog: #mobile #mobileOS #jolla #sailfish4
#sailfishos #mobile #mobileos #jolla #sailfish4
#MuditaOS, an #OpenSource and minimalistic #mobileOS for #FeaturePhone />
#mobileos #featurephone #MuditaOS #opensource
7 Open Source Mobile OS Alternatives To Android - In this post, Abhishek Prakash presents seven open source alternatives to Android. Free your mobile phone! #Internet #MobileOS #Privacy
/e/ mobile phone operating system. You want to be free from Google and Apple operating system on your mobile phone? You want to use an open source operating system which is far more respectful of user’s data privacy? #MobileOS
🇬🇧 Remember a few weeks ago when @gael - Mandrakelinux creator - announced he was working on a new OS for smartphone?
Well, this guy has already got some stuff done:
🇫🇷 Vous vous souvenez quand il y a quelques semaines @gael - le créateur de Mandrakelinux - a annoncé qu'il travaillait sur un nouvel OS pour smartphone ?
Et bien on dirait que ça avance :