onto my 3rd #moccona and the entirety of the future and the past is opening up to me like the Kwisatz Haderach
【對咖啡品質嘅追求☕️】 嚟自荷蘭、擁有過百年歷史嘅咖啡品牌Moccona經典深培咖啡,嚴選阿拉比卡咖啡豆作深度烘培,入口醇厚,苦後回甘,層次豐富🫦,品質優良不在話下。 佢哋喺包裝方面同樣毫不馬虎,真空密封玻璃樽能夠保持咖啡最佳品質之餘,盡顯對環保嘅執著👍🏻。其玻璃樽含超過50%嘅再造玻璃,為100%可回收、可製成堆肥或可重複使用嘅包裝。🆕今年Moccona仲同一班關注永續嘅澳洲年輕設計師合作👩🏻🎨,以座頭鯨🐳、鳳頭鸚鵡🦜、升級再造♻️等為靈感,設計出一系列以永續主題嘅期間限定包裝,希望喚醒大眾嘅環保意識,邊嘆咖啡邊發揮小宇宙💡,將玻璃樽賦以其他用途,例如花樽、筆筒、收納,享受更有意義嘅Me-Time🥳。快啲儲齊一套3款買晒佢哋返屋企啦! ... 各大超級市場有售,數量有限,售完即止。 Moccona咖啡包裝創出無限可能♾️:https://www.moccona.com.au/our-inspiration/ #Moccona #經典深培咖啡 #名仕 #名仕咖啡 #ESG ...
#moccona #經典深培咖啡 #名仕 #名仕咖啡 #esg
been feeling like shit the last few days so I’m now blazing on #Moccona and adrenaline to hit a self-imposed deadline
#moccona isn't going to cut it I'm afraid. Having a Modafinil washed down with red bull one today
a pleasant amount of #moccona today. I might actually be able to sleep tonight
starting my #DouwednesdayEgberts with #moccona and toast!!! rise and grind #MocconaManiacs!!!
#douwednesdayegberts #moccona #mocconamaniacs
excellent :) removed the embarrassing unhinged post - thank you all for your cooperation we shan't be speaking of it again :)
see you on #DouwednesdayEgberts for more #moccona content
spent #MocconaMonday sleeping but now I'm going to a very beautiful person's house to eat dinner so imma still have to shout out #DouweEgberts and #moccona for this
#mocconamonday #douweegberts #moccona