First meal since morning.
She asked for veggies with colorful pasta. Her selection from the garden.
#MochaPeppers #MoringaFlowers #GreenOnion #CherryTomatoes #EvergladesTomatoes #Mulberries #SouthFlorida #GrowYourOwn #Punjaban
#mochapeppers #moringaflowers #greenonion #cherrytomatoes #evergladestomatoes #mulberries #southflorida #growyourown #punjaban
Before dinner, my daughter and I went out in the garden. I asked her to pick up anything that she wanted to eat. Kids eat by their eyes and then taste.
This is her selection - #Nasturtium flowers and leaves, #Dill flowers, #Marigold flowers, #MochaPeppers, #Cilantro, #Onion leaves, #SissooSpinach and #CurryLeaves (curry patta).
#Nasturtium #dill #marigold #mochapeppers #cilantro #onion #sissoospinach #curryleaves #growyourown #zone10b #organicgarden #punjaban