Ancient Americas
Moche Culture
Revisited this gem on Moche culture. Their ceramics are stunning. The history of the region is also amazing.
37 min video
#moche #southamerica #archeology
#FrogFriday / #FrogsForFriday:
Botanical #Frog
#Moche, 100-800 CE
Ceramic, 27.5x17x21cm
Part of the “Garden Nature in the Medieval World” exhibition at Dumbarton Oaks (PC.B.596)
“This supernatural creature, known as the Botanical Frog, combines frog, feline, and plant attributes.“
#IndigenousArt #AndeanArt
#frogfriday #frogsforfriday #frog #moche #indigenousart #andeanart
@paul_denton Le Dr Braun atteint d'une grave responsabiliphobie, maladie très contagieuse et endémique dans la classe bourgeoise..
Place Charles de Gaulle, encore.
Bizarre tout d'abord l'idée de faire une copie d'une oeuvre du XIXème... mais pourquoi en faire une moche ? La tête du lion est complétement ratée ! Et la facture de la statue vraiment grossière, on dirait un moulage en chocolat !
Tiens en parlant de facture, combien ce truc ?
#beziers #moche
L’incroyable miroir (de Wish) : Réfection de la place de Gaulle, un fiasco sur toute la ligne.
On a l’habitude qu’entre les déclarations grandiloquentes du Journal du Biterrois et la réalité il y ait à peu près la même différence qu’entre les promesses du télé-achat et la réalité du produit, c’est à dire un monde.
Mais concernant l’aménagement de la place de Gaulle on touche tout de même à un extrême, âmes sensibles s’abstenir, ce n’est plus un monde mais un univers !
#Béziers #parking #moche
Archaeologists have unearthed 1,400-year-old murals of two-faced men in Peru. The murals belong to the Moche civilization, which flourished on the northern coast of Peru before the Inca Empire. The two-faced men may represent movement, ritual sacrifice, or connection to cosmic realms.
For the #Caturday night band, here’s a terracotta #Moche #jaguar trumpet from #Peru (north coast), 200 BCE - 600 CE, on display in the musical instruments gallery at the Met.
“Among the Moche & other Pre-Columbian cultures, the jaguar, a large, powerful, & stealthy nocturnal predator & symbol of might, was revered & associated with gods, rulers, & shamans. The Maya & others considered the jaguar's growls as the voice of thunder, & the roaring jaguar trumpet appropriately evokes its cry.”
#caturday #moche #jaguar #peru
1,400-year-old Moche murals of two-faced men found in Peru – The History Blog
"There is no known precedent for these figures in Moche art. They don’t have features typical of Moche deities — namely zoomorphic elements like fangs, claws, tails or wings."
#history #archeology #art #peru #moche
More bling for #SaveASpiderDay: gold #spiders for your face!
Spiders can be found in #Andean #iconography going back at least 2500 years as symbols of warfare, ritual sacrifice, & agricultural fertility.
1 Nose ornament, 6th-7th c. CE, Peru, #Moche; gold, silver, shell
2 Earflare frontal, 6th-7th c. CE, Peru, Moche; gold, silver
3 Nose ornament, #Peru, #Salinar culture, 100 BCE-200 CE
Met collection.
#saveaspiderday #spiders #andean #iconography #moche #peru #salinar #pleasenosquish
Comment le #moche est devenu un argument #marketing majeur.
Le laid ne se définit plus en creux et s'opposant au beau. Le laid s'impose comme vecteur de différenciation à l'encontre de certains diktats sociaux, jugés trop contraignants et politiquement incorrects.
Hate against #transgender people isn't relegated to the #US.
Due to #politicians passing laws against, and media outlets ignoring #science and spreading lies about #trans people, murder rates are way too high worldwide.
None of these trans people should have died. We need to stop the hate to save lives.
Please remember Erika Quintana Ávalos, a 31-year-old #Peruvian #transwoman killed in #Moche, #Peru on January 21, 2023.
#transgender #us #politicians #Science #trans #peruvian #transwoman #moche #peru
Benjamin Olivennes: «Lotissements, hypermarchés, ronds-points, la #France est-elle devenue #moche ?»
More fabulous owl art for #Superb_Owl Sunday: another example of those #owl supernatural decapitators!
Pair of Ornaments Depicting a Decapitator Owl Deity
#Moche, #Peru, 100–800 CE, #gold.
Museum of Fine Arts Houston collection:
#superb_owl #owl #moche #peru #gold
#MoundMonday #PhotoMonday #Moche #Huacas #Peru
A truck passes in front of the once largest #adobe #pyramid. In search of treasure, the river was diverted to erode the monument. A portion rermains.
#HuacaDelSol #GeoLocation -8.131, -78.995
Latitude -8.1301° tangent equals one-seventh.
Early Monumental Architecture on the Peruvian Coast
#Archaeology #Arqueologia
#Panoramio #PhotoShare by Razumikhina Daria
Click image for wider view.
#moundmonday #Photomonday #moche #huacas #peru #adobe #pyramid #huacadelsol #geolocation #archaeology #arqueologia #panoramio #photoshare
Huaca Rajada & the Tombs of Sipán are often regarded as Peru’s archeological equivalent of Egypt’s King Tut’s tomb. It contains fourteen separate tombs of the Moche elite, dating from around 50-300 AD. It’s the most complete funerary site that has ever been discovered from any pre-Columbian Andean culture.
#peru #perutravel #moche #lordofsipan #archeology #arqueología #history #southamerica #southamericatravel #anthropologie #anthropology #indigenousart #andes #andesantioquia #lambayeque
#Peru #perutravel #moche #lordofsipan #archeology #arqueologia #history #SouthAmerica #southamericatravel #anthropologie #Anthropology #Indigenousart #andes #andesantioquia #lambayeque
Huaca Rajada & the Tombs of Sipán are often regarded as Peru’s archeological equivalent of Egypt’s King Tut’s tomb. It contains fourteen separate tombs of the Moche elite, dating from around 50-300 AD. It’s the most complete funerary site that has ever been discovered from any pre-Columbian Andean culture.
#peru #perutravel #moche #lordofsipan #archeology #arqueología #history #southamerica #southamericatravel #anthropologie #anthropology #indigenousart #andes #andesantioquia #lambayeque
#Peru #perutravel #moche #lordofsipan #archeology #arqueologia #history #SouthAmerica #southamericatravel #anthropologie #Anthropology #Indigenousart #andes #andesantioquia #lambayeque
Just got an email from the R&D Exec from FTDNA. Apparently, my YDNA is shared with Spirit Cave Mummy and Aconcagua Boy Mummy. The funny thing is that my mtDNA is shared with Juanita Mummy. I can't wait for the full results! #DNA #genealogy #NativeAmerican #Peru #Moche #Inca
#dna #genealogy #nativeamerican #Peru #moche #inca
Comme le beaujolais nouveau, les bâches de #publicite arrivent ! Et le code de l'#environnement n'a pas mis de limite de surface, juste la limite du support...🤪😭😭 #France de + en + #moche ? StopPub
#moche #france #environnement #publicite
Apparemment il y avait une mode dans les années 90' de mettre une robe informe au dessus d'un t shirt de sport.
Pourquoi je n'en ai aucun souvenir, sûrement le déni. #Moche