I finished handquilting my latest quilt. This is the largest quilt I have handquilted. This quilt was inspired by The Orville New Horizons Moclan female character Heveena played by Rena Owen . The quilt has elements of her clothes and home. The Orville #quilt #handcrafted #handquilting #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #MocLan #hevenna #Luminites #applique
#applique #luminites #hevenna #moclan #theorvillenewhorizons #handquilting #handcrafted #quilt
I’m making progress handquilting The Orville Moclan quilt. #Handquilting #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #Moclan #Quilt
#quilt #moclan #theorvillenewhorizons #handquilting
I’m making progress handquilting The Orville Moclan quilt. #Handquilting #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #Moclan #Quilt
#quilt #moclan #theorvillenewhorizons #handquilting
Saturday #Handquilting progress on The Orville #Moclan quilt. I’m attaching a reference picture also. #RenewTheOrville
#renewtheorville #moclan #handquilting
Sometimes you just need to put a bug on a quilt. The Orville New Horizons Luminite bug. #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #Luminite #Moclan
#moclan #luminite #theorvillenewhorizons
Weekend quilting progress on the #Moclan quilt. I didn’t get as much done I had hoped…but check out my #Luminite (the glow bug thing) . #quilting #theorvillenewhorizons
#theorvillenewhorizons #quilting #luminite #moclan
We are pin basted. Let the handquilting begin. #quilt #pinbasted #quilting #moclan #theorville
#theorville #moclan #quilting #pinbasted #quilt
The Orville Moclan quilt I made. #theOrville #moclan #quilt #fanart #applique #textileart #handquilting #dollyparton
#dollyparton #handquilting #textileart #applique #FanArt #quilt #moclan #theorville
The Orville Moclan quilt top I am working on. #quilt #TheOrville #applique #Moclan
#moclan #applique #theorville #quilt
Make Me Feel Like a Woman
Style experiment.
Wonder when the cancellation is coming.
Check out my Fanbox:
#fanbox #loli #teen #theorville #topa #moclan #alien