We desperately need to change our planning priorities in NI if we want to change how we get around. The policy statements governing access, parking and cycling are decades old.
This suburb of Nijmegen has cycle infrastructure of such quality that for most journeys cycling is a viable option. The video is by #ModaCityLife.
Watch "Koudenhoek, Nijmegen" on YouTube
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, #Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — #modacitylife aka the Bruntletts in their great book #CurbingTraffic. #UrbanismBookClub #cities #cityplanning #urbanplanning #bikes #biketoschool #school #walking #biking
#biking #walking #school #biketoschool #bikes #urbanplanning #cityplanning #cities #urbanismbookclub #CurbingTraffic #modacitylife #dutch