I'm SURE I could come up with some use for the the little-used keys on my Keyboardio #Model01 keyboard: prog, LED, Any, and butterfly.
Yes, it has a key marked "Any".
This needs some thought and inspiration.
@fireglow It's the #Keyboardio #Model01: https://shop.keyboard.io/
Though, currently the quiet click model is out of stock, and loud click doesn't have much stock left either. Due to a long list of reasons, no more will be made, and a new variant - the Model 100 - will replace it in the hopefully not too distant future.
It's the best keyboard I ever owned, by the way.
@zhenech Oooh, this looks awesome. Something between that and the Ultimate Writer[1], with a keyboard that's like the Keyboardio #Model01, but with key wells, and you have me sold.
[1]: https://alternativebit.fr/posts/ultimate-writer/
That, or the Atreus cyberdeck: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberDeck/comments/8v5sqd/atreus_deck_prototype/
Or perhaps all of them, each for a different purpose.
I can confirm, that the #Keyboardio #Model01 works with #TheC64. At least the keyboard parts. I have not toyed with Joystick or Gamepad stuff yet, but I suppose that's something I should be doing soonish.
Imagine this: #TheC64, with an #Azeron keypad running #Kaleidoscope.
Mmm. Yummy.
#keyboardio #model01 #thec64 #Azeron #kaleidoscope
Every morning I start a new journal entry on my laptop. If it takes me more than two tries to get the date written correctly, I didn't get enough sleep.
Today is "Funfsy". When I was writing that, I had a creepy feeling that something was fundamentally wrong in the world. It was because my fingers weren't registering the bumps on f, a, and backspace keys on my #Keyboardio #Model01 keyboard in the default resting position of my hand on the keyboard.
I might not need two pots of tea today.
No pictures yet, but I'm typing this on the #Raise, and I like this board. It's not going to replace my #Model01, of course, but for certain tasks - like gaming - it is a better fit.
I like the feel of the keycaps (my board came with PBT ones), the Kailh Speed Coppers feel ok. They do make a loud "thud" noise when I bottom out - I always do -, but thankfully, I have my own room nowadays, so the extra noise is ok.
The most striking thing are the LEDs. They're gorgeous.
Blog post coming soon.
For the record, what I need is interactive SVGs, because I'm not going to build the #Model01 layout from native widgets or the like. Both GTK and QT support interactive SVGs - in a webview, embedding webkit. That defeats the purpose of using native toolkits, if the core of the application will be in a webview anyway.
After a couple of days of practising with the #Model01 keyboard: I like it, but the thumb keys (incl. shift and space) and the palm keys are a little awkward. I keep pressing the palm keys by accident.
Maybe I need to try another position for my hands?
With the LED Stalker plugin on my #Model01, I can pretend I'm a #Firestarter for a day.
Daughter just found the packaged unlabeled black #Keyboardio #Model01 keycaps under my desk. She's been "pressing" buttons for the past 20 minutes, with no intention of stopping.
Custom sculpted keycaps are the best.
I made a small tool that plots the load average onto the top row of the #Model01's left half, to show how to use the chrysalis libraries for small things, outside of the big ball of mud that is #Chrysalis itself.
Sources at https://github.com/keyboardio/chrysalis-api/tree/master/examples/model01-load
OMG. The unpainted keycaps for the #Keyboardio #Model01 are amazing. I had unpainted caps before, on the prototype, but these... these are a whole new level of awesomeness.
They even *feel* better!
Are you an underprivileged or junior developer in London who contributes to open source, and wants a #Keyboardio #Model01? One of the Kickstarter backers is giving away one *free* if you match the above criteria.
See https://community.keyboard.io/t/london-uk-free-keyboardio-for-someone-who-actively-contributes-to-open-source-pickup-only/2487?u=algernon for details.
Boosts are appreciated, as the giver is in London only until the 6th.
I just had a look at the first version of my #Model01 sketch, the first version that was built on top of Kaleidoscope (then KeyboardioFirmware)... we've come a long way.
This was kinda awful:
#Chrysalis 0.2.0 released: https://github.com/keyboardio/chrysalis-bundle-keyboardio/releases/tag/chrysalis-bundle-keyboardio-0.2.0
It has support for the #Keyboardio #Model01, @technomancy's #Atreus, and #Dygma Raise.
With it, you can edit keymaps without having to compile or flash anything. Works on Linux, OSX and Win10 alike.
(It currently only works when running #Kaleidoscope on these keyboards, it will soon be able to offer flashing a Kaleidoscope-based default even when running something else.)
#chrysalis #keyboardio #model01 #atreus #dygma #kaleidoscope
I just tagged and released #Chrysalis 0.0.6: https://github.com/keyboardio/chrysalis-bundle-keyboardio/releases/tag/chrysalis-bundle-keyboardio-0.0.6
Teaser pictures included in the release notes. It's a major milestone for Chrysalis, as it comes with a revamped UI, one that should be much more comfortable to use. It still has a lot of rough edges, but should be usable enough for some initial tries by end-users.
If you have a #Keyboardio #Model01, I'd encourage you to give it a test run, and report any issues you may find, so we can polish it further.
#chrysalis #keyboardio #model01
I need more USB ports. I have four keyboards, two mice, and a webcam attached at the moment, along with a data cable for my phone.
Not sure why I have four keyboards attached at the same time, mind you. I do use three of them with reasonable frequency: the #Model01 most of the time, #Atreus when gaming, and a backup rubber-dome when I flash buggy firmware to either.
Oh, I also have an U2F key plugged in from time to time.
At night, when I have to be quiet, I used to use a rubber-dome keyboard, because that's quieter than my #Model01. But my hands don't like that, and it still isn't quiet enough. So I'm gradually switching to working on my #Atreus at night. When it comes to typing, that goes reasonably well, as long as I don't have to switch layers. Come layers, and my speed plummets into the ground.
But the board is super-silent, so I'll keep practicing. I'll get the hang of it, eventually.