FYI for anyone with a #TRS80 #Model4 (or a #Model3 with a M4 video board, like me) If you have #flickering or #dimming issues, and have the TCE-made board (not RCA) then check the highlighted resistors (R315, R316, R318) #RetroComputing
#trs80 #Dimming #retrocomputing #model4 #model3 #flickering
#radioshack #trs80 #model4 #retrocomputer #retrocomputers
The Radio Shack Model 4P was a great "portable" disk-duplicator in the day...
With it's more advanced floppy disk controller, and double-sided 40 track drives it could do full track-reads and full track-writes.
This enabled duplicating "copy-protected" floppies for those with a little programming skill 😉
#radioshack #trs80 #model4 #retrocomputer #retrocomputers