I had made a post last week on with and so this week I make a compliment post (admittedly not complete but it's not supposed to be) on performing with base

Maybe you are working on a machine in which you cannot install libraries or doing so is prohibitive in some fashion or another, or maybe you just want to use

Link to post: spsanderson.com/steveondata/po


#base #r #prediction #modelr #purrr #modeling #bootstrap

Last updated 2 years ago

It's a great idea in to do for

This is made easy with the ecosystem.

I have made a post that specifically puts a focus on the use of the function from and the function from

Here is the post: spsanderson.com/steveondata/po

See attached!

#DataScience #r #modelr #purrr #Map #tidymodels #predictions #resampling #bootstrap #modeling #Data

Last updated 2 years ago