Back where it all started. @inarticulatequilter @Maker_of_Things
#ModelTrain #ModelTrains
@inarticulatequilter @DenverComicGuy it is grass paper and it isn't under the rails themselves. Track has for the most part been ballasted.
I would steer clear of felt as it could get in to the mechanisms of your locomotives and cause no end of problems. Static grass is ok to use.
I need to replace a curved point due to derailments on it. Some quite spectacular.
#ModelTrain #ModelTrains
@DenverComicGuy @inarticulatequilter I am mainly in Ho / OO scale, but I also have N, OO9 and On30 scale. #ModelTrain #ModelTrains
Resin #3dprinting isn't always easy.
Trying to create custom H0 sized #modeltrain locomotives, and I'm finding that different resins let details and gaps show differently, with different part orientation also being a huge factor.
The most interesting issue so far has been tearing of the model during the UV cure postprocess. Interestingly enough it happened with SirayaTech resin (left), while the generic 3DJake brand (right) didn't suffer that issue at all?
Does anyone have any advice for me?
Got to show off the #NScale tornado scene I worked on at a #ModelTrain show a couple months back!
The tornado comes down from the clouds and touches down in the town before it goes back up... leaving the nearby trailer park untouched. 😉
It was a huge hit and I'm excited to have gotten it working for the show!
#ModelRailroad #ModelRailroads #ScaleModels #ModelRailway #ModelRailways #ModelTrains #ScaleModel #ScaleModels #Diorama #Dioramas #DioramaArt
#NScale #modeltrain #modelrailroad #modelrailroads #scalemodels #modelrailway #ModelRailways #ModelTrains #scalemodel #diorama #Dioramas #dioramaart
More angles of the large N-gauge train display base.
I used this piece to practice using a fine polymer line for the telegraph wires connecting the poles.
You can just about see them in some angles.
#scalemodel #modeltrain #scratchbuilt #diorama
Yes, endlich fliessen die Elektronen so wie ich mir das vorstelle. Sehr low level DIY Belegtmelder kombiniert aus Stromfühler, IR Lichtschranke und OR-Gatter. Jetzt kann ich schlafen gehen.
#SpurN #DCC #Modellbahn #Elektronik #DIY #modelrailroad #modeltrain
#spurn #dcc #modellbahn #Elektronik #DIY #modelrailroad #modeltrain
photo challenge by @Steve_p_photos
*Join us! Use the hashtag, I'll boost when I see you*
1 photo per day for 26 days.
Titles start with 'A' and finish with 'Z'. Please don't repeat letters.
No people/human images.
No description in the toot.
Use alt text to fully describe the photo - a picture of a tree is not acceptable.
Copy the rules into the toot.
Day 15 - Object in space
#Photography #PhotographyChallenge #PhotographyAlphabetChallenge
#PhotographyOfMyLife #model #modeltrain #train
#photography #photographychallenge #photographyalphabetchallenge #photographyofmylife #model #modeltrain #train
Confusing Model Train Terms Explained For New Railroaders
If you’re just getting into model railroading, you might have noticed that there are a lot of train terms. When you don’t speak the language, it can be difficult to understand what people are talking about or how to shop for t
#InterestingStuff #ConfusingModelTrainTermsExplainedForNewRailroaders #modelrailroad #ModelTrain #ModelTrainTerms
#interestingstuff #confusingmodeltraintermsexplainedfornewrailroaders #modelrailroad #modeltrain #modeltrainterms
A long shot, but here goes;
I once made this diorama (photo 1) w/ #Wolverine, when I showed it on Reddit, someone replied that they remembered an old magazine with a very similar diorama on the cover. It was this magazine: Modeler's Resource issue #56 (photo 2). I would love to read the article, but I can't find it anywhere.
Does anyone have the magazine and can you scan the article for me?
Boosts are appreciated!
#diorama #modeling #modelbouw #crafting #modeltrain #scenery #modelscenery
#wolverine #diorama #modeling #modelbouw #crafting #modeltrain #scenery #modelscenery
Biden uses #train, Putin travels by it, Kim Jong-un is an old fan of train. Seems like it is the coolest, trendiest transportation these days. Airplane is so 20th century.
#RailBaltic #modeltrain #train
RT from DesignFenix (@DesignFenix1)
N-Scale House 'Syracuse I' 1:160 Scale STL Files #3DPrinting #Cults3D via @cults3d
#ModelTrainLife #ModelTrainLovers #RailroadLife #RailroadModeler #ModelRailroading #ModelRailroad #ModelTrains #TrainLife #ModelTrain #TrainModels #TrainScenery
Original tweet :
#3Dprinting #cults3d #modeltrainlife #modeltrainlovers #railroadlife #railroadmodeler #modelrailroading #modelrailroad #modeltrains #trainlife #modeltrain #trainmodels #trainscenery
Model Train Delivers Fresh Coffee #coffeedelivery #modeltrain #homehacks #ToyHacks #coffee #train
#coffeedelivery #modeltrain #homehacks #ToyHacks #coffee #train
Model Train Delivers Fresh Coffee - Model trains are good fun, though few of them serve any purpose beyond amusement o... - #coffeedelivery #modeltrain #homehacks #toyhacks #coffee #train
#train #coffee #toyhacks #homehacks #modeltrain #coffeedelivery
RT from DesignFenix (@DesignFenix1)
N-Scale House 'The Courtland' 1:160 Scale STL Files by #3DPrinting #Cults3D via @cults3d
#ModelTrainLife #ModelTrainLovers #RailroadLife #RailroadModeler #ModelRailroading #ModelRailroad #ModelTrains #TrainLife #ModelTrain #TrainModels #TrainScenery
Original tweet :
#3Dprinting #cults3d #modeltrainlife #modeltrainlovers #railroadlife #railroadmodeler #modelrailroading #modelrailroad #modeltrains #trainlife #modeltrain #trainmodels #trainscenery
【鉄道ゲストハウス】鐡ノ家 てつのや 山梨県 石和温泉 レンタルレイアウト
#diorama #E001 #guesthouse #isawaonsen #layout #modeltrain #ngauge #nscale #Nゲージ #rental #tetsunoya #Train #Yamanashi #ゲストハウス #てつのや #トランスイート #ホテル #レイアウト #レンタル #レンタルレイアウト #中央本線 #合宿 #四季島 #宿 #宿泊 #山梨 #山梨県 #温泉 #石和温泉 #笛吹市 #鉄の家 #鉄の屋 #鉄道 #鉄道ゲストハウス #鉄道模型 #鐡ノ家
#diorama #e001 #GuestHouse #isawaonsen #layout #modeltrain #ngauge #Nscale #nゲージ #rental #tetsunoya #train #yamanashi #ゲストハウス #てつのや #トランスイート #ホテル #レイアウト #レンタル #レンタルレイアウト #中央本線 #合宿 #四季島 #宿 #宿泊 #山梨 #山梨県 #温泉 #石和温泉 #笛吹市 #鉄の家 #鉄の屋 #鉄道 #鉄道ゲストハウス #鉄道模型 #鐡ノ家
N-gauge train display base (1:160 scale).
Built from scratch and only using a model hut and a section of track.
#scalemodel #modeltrain #scratchbuilt
Apropos Rhätische Bahn: I maaay or may not have bought some models and a bunch of track with the goal of doing the electronics and automation myself #RhB #ModelTrain