It's not just the young who enjoy model trains. Did you know that on August 19th #Exporail will have model train collectors from all over Québec and Eastern Ontario coming in to show off their collections?
#exporail #modeltrains #trains
Scenery progress on my HO scale 2-in-1 model railway layout in July 2023.
#modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #hoscale #modelrailwayscene
#modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #hoscale #modelrailwayscene
This week on Streaming Wednesdays, Matt gets his OO gauge trains out for a play. Join us from 07:30pm! #StreamingWednesdays #YouTube #ModelTrains #Railway #LiveFromTheWorks
#streamingwednesdays #youtube #modeltrains #railway #livefromtheworks
Back where it all started. @inarticulatequilter @Maker_of_Things
#ModelTrain #ModelTrains
@inarticulatequilter @DenverComicGuy it is grass paper and it isn't under the rails themselves. Track has for the most part been ballasted.
I would steer clear of felt as it could get in to the mechanisms of your locomotives and cause no end of problems. Static grass is ok to use.
I need to replace a curved point due to derailments on it. Some quite spectacular.
#ModelTrain #ModelTrains
@DenverComicGuy @inarticulatequilter I am mainly in Ho / OO scale, but I also have N, OO9 and On30 scale. #ModelTrain #ModelTrains
@inarticulatequilter let’s be the change! I’ll start posting to the #modeltrains hashtag!
Petra depot scene progress, and a fuel storage I've been working on, for my 2-in-1 HO scale model railway layout.
#modeltrains #modelrailways #modelrailroad #hoscale #scalemodelling
#modeltrains #modelrailways #modelrailroad #hoscale #scalemodelling
The stone conveyor #structure I've been building for a while is almost completed. Just have the walkway fencing to finish, then it can be permanently installed on my HO scale '2 in 1' model railway layout. These photos are of the structure in place on the layout, but not yet permanently fixed to it.
#hoscale #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #scalemodelling #scratchbuilding
#structure #hoscale #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #scalemodelling #scratchbuilding
Squee! Lionel dropped a catalog today!
I'm really liking the steam locomotives they've got coming out, especially the C&O George Washington set. I also think the GP30s are cute.
The one thing I'm definitely going to buy, though, is the Southern Pacific Friendship Train boxcar. If you don't know about the Friendship Train, Wikipedia's got a good article about it.
#history #trains #modeltrains #lionel
A #structure I've been working on for about a week for my 2-in-1 HO scale model railway layout. It is a covered 'over the track' conveyor for crushed stone, and a small #building at the end which houses a chute which is used to load railway hopper cars.
The model is made from #balsa , corrugated #cardboard painted to look like corrugated iron, match stick like wood pieces, and printed industrial door.
#hoscale #modelrailways #modeltrains #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #modelrailwayscratchbuild #modelrailroad
#structure #building #balsa #cardboard #hoscale #modelrailways #modeltrains #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #modelrailwayscratchbuild #modelrailroad
I have too many projects already, but I’ve picked this one up again recently. Got a small test track on the kitchen table to check out & service 2nd hand locos & coaches I’m buying for my planned new layout. LMS & LNER era3. 4 locos in total.
Then one 1980s loco & coaches to either put a “time tunnel” in for a short “Morse” Oxford branch to incorporate the Morse car or build a seperate oval layout or build a simple end-to-end bookshelf layout 🤔
A HO scale model railway I've been working on for the past few months. It is 1200mm x 600mm, and has a 3-2-2 "inglenook" switching puzzle on the lower level, and an "inglenook-like" switching area on the top level.
At this stage of completion it is operational, but the scenery still has a way to go before it looks anything near realistic.
As the layout is designed to be used with DCC (digital command control), and the motive power for the top level probably won't have decoders in them, I have wired a spare DCC decoder between the DCC system and the upper level trackage so I can use my DCC system to control both levels.
#modeltrains #modelrailway #smallmodelrailway #worldsgreatesthobby #dccmodeltrains #hoscaletrains
#modeltrains #modelrailway #smallmodelrailway #worldsgreatesthobby #dccmodeltrains #hoscaletrains
This an impressive #diorama build in 1/24th scale of a creek running though some trees. Lots of good techniques are demonstrated.
#minatures #modelrailway #booknook #modeltrains #scalemodel #diorama
This an impressive #diorama build in 1/24th scale of a creek running though some trees. Lots of good techniques are demonstrated.
#minatures #modelrailway #booknook #modeltrains #scalemodel #diorama
Ok it’s time for me finish this DC-DCC conversion of an Athearn Genesis GP9. I started this a few years ago but never got back to it as my workbench turned into an office desk. Things to do;
- build a speaker enclosure,
- replace the original grain of wheat bulbs with LEDs,
- Program the ESU Loksound 4 decoder,
- reassemble it without breaking it,
-and finally weather the model.
#ScaleModel #ModelRailway #HOScale #Trains #ModelTrains #GP9 #ModelRailroading
#modelrailroading #gp9 #modeltrains #trains #hoscale #modelrailway #scalemodel
Ok it’s time for me finish this DC-DCC conversion of an Athearn Genesis GP9. I started this a few years ago but never got back to it as my workbench turned into an office desk. Things to do;
- build a speaker enclosure,
- replace the original grain of wheat bulbs with LEDs,
- Program the ESU Loksound 4 decoder,
- reassemble it without breaking it,
-and finally weather the model.
#ScaleModel #ModelRailway #HOScale #Trains #ModelTrains #GP9 #ModelRailroading
#modelrailroading #gp9 #modeltrains #trains #hoscale #modelrailway #scalemodel
Einer der Neuzugänge der letzten Wochen:
Märklin "Hobby" E 132 103-3
#Märklin #Maerklin #H0 #DB #Tischbahn #DB #Elok #Modellbahn #Modelleisenbahn #Tischbahn #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad
#marklin #Maerklin #h0 #DB #tischbahn #Elok #modellbahn #Modelleisenbahn #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad