Colin-Roy Hunter · @criquaer
264 followers · 2691 posts · Server

Possible benefits of . NB the article does not specify which degree of the writer suffers. As a it is beyond me to schedule anything on a regular basis. May be of benefit to those with or .

This is NOT a recommendation. Food for thought.

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#preemptiverest #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pwme #SevereME #mildme #moderateme

Last updated 2 years ago

Colin-Roy Hunter · @criquaer
218 followers · 1681 posts · Server


Moderate ME/CFS
People with moderate have reduced mobility and are restricted in all activities of daily living, although they may have peaks and troughs in their level of symptoms and ability to do activities. They have usually stopped work or education, and need rest periods, often resting in the afternoon for 1 or 2 hours. Their sleep at night is generally poor quality and disturbed.

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#moderateme #mecfs #nice #ng206

Last updated 2 years ago