So i did yiddish, greek and hebrew today on duolingo. I’m gonna shift to doing one lesson of hebrew instead of two lessons of yiddish daily.

1) HEBREW- Completely confused by the difference in what the hebrew script means vs yiddish, but I gotta practice both somehow to deepen my judaism.

2) YIDDISH- Trying to keep myself from cheating with Yiddish because I can just click on a word on duolingo, hear it, and know what it means in german. But I gotta actually make myself sound out the word in my head using the hebrew script to actually be able to read Yiddish. 😵‍💫

3) GREEK- Having a lot of trouble sounding out longer greek words in my head.

#languagelearning #greek #hebrew #yiddish #moderngreek #duolingo

Last updated 1 year ago

Hi there 👋

I am María Morales, Front-End from , Spain.

I am a Higher Technician in Development of Applications, but I am also Graduated in , specialized in Contemporary .

★ Languages and tools

★ Also currently learning


#engineer #canaryislands #web #spanishphilology #literature #html #css #javascript #vue #react #sass #typescript #vite #vitest #cypress #figma #storybook #ui #computationallinguistics #spanishliterature #english #moderngreek

Last updated 1 year ago

SzczurTorebkowy · @szczurtorebkowy
90 followers · 271 posts · Server

If I ever start to learn modern Greek for real (as opposed to those few sentences and words I had learnt before visiting Crete), it will be because of the Greek songs. The songs I think about are so powerful, that I simply have to understand them, I look for the original text and for the translation and the beauty of the language combined with the music grasps me.

But this language intimidates me, and the amount of work it will require, oh well...

#languages #langtoot #moderngreek

Last updated 2 years ago

Jacob Ibáñez :verified: · @iakobsdesamos
44 followers · 385 posts · Server
David Reed · @aoristdual
195 followers · 114 posts · Server

is not good at Greek dialects. It sometimes returns a weird mix of and , as in this request to write a speech in praise of Theodore Roosevelt in the style of Herodotus.

#chatgpt #ancientgreek #moderngreek

Last updated 2 years ago

Artemisia Vulgaris · @CommonMugwort
331 followers · 232 posts · Server

Σέλφ προμόσιο θα αποφεύγω να σας βάζω αλά το μάδερ προμόσιο επιβάλλεται. Διαβάστε τα βιβλία της μαμάς μου! @bookstodon

#πεζογραφια #μυθιστοριμα #greekfiction #moderngreek #ContemporaryFiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Hannah Mason · @hlmason
18 followers · 9 posts · Server

I’m a (mostly and ), and living in , a big fan of , and , and slowly learning . Really liking Mastodon so far, it seems a lot friendlier than other places. Hey folks!

#moderngreek #books #lego #livemusic #Wales #weaver #proofreader #italian #french #translator #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Europa · @europanews20
126 followers · 1579 posts · Server