"In a suburban Brisbane garage, young women decoded radio transmissions that changed the course of World War II. For the first time, their top-secret work on a panicked Japanese cable about a new type of weapon can be revealed." #WWII #WW2 #cryptography #encryption #decryption #CodeBreaking #Australia #history #ModernHistory #TypeX
The Garage Girls and the secret war machine which uncovered Japanese secrets - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-03/garage-girls-world-war-2-spying-in-australia/102411022
#wwii #ww2 #cryptography #encryption #decryption #codebreaking #australia #history #modernhistory #typex
How Saudi tried to use the Kurds to clip Iran's wings
#war #history #ModernHistory #SaudiArabia #Iran #Syria #Kurds #Kurdistan
#kurdistan #kurds #Syria #iran #saudiarabia #modernhistory #history #war
Advice wanted! My daughter wants to study Modern History as a degree. She's particularly interested in the Cold War (I realise any undergrad degree will cover all bases).
Where's good?
And by good, I don't mean top of the league tables - I mean respected in the field, good course, wide range of students, nice atmosphere, friendly, supportive, etc.
She doesn't fancy Oxbridge or Durham.
All boosts and thoughts gratefully received! Thank you 😊
#history #modernhistory #university #degree
My six year old was blown away a few days ago when I told her we didn’t have mobile phones when I was a kid.
Then I thought about it a bit more, and I was blown away as well.
A text that must be studied at school in the #ModernHistory, #Engineering and #Philosophy classrooms.
@stephenfry on The Internet
#modernhistory #engineering #philosophy
🆕 The Institute of Contemporary History, with headquarters at the NOVA University Lisbon and a branch at the University of Évora, welcomes expressions of interest, as a host institution, from candidates to the Call for PhD Research Studentships promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
📧 Send us your proposals until 28 February.
#histodons @histodons
#Scholarships #ModernHistory #ContemporaryHistory #Heritage #HistoryJobs
#histodons #scholarships #modernhistory #contemporaryhistory #heritage #historyjobs
O 3º Ciclo internacional de videoconferências “Quando a Ciência e a Tecnologia se Cruzam com as Artes e as Letras” tem início a 7 de Fevereiro, com Ana Duarte Rodrigues (CIUHCT) e um "passeio" pelas ilustrações hispânicas de hortas, pomares e vinhas na Idade Moderna.
#histodons #EnvHist #EnvironmentalHistory #ModernHistory #Spain #VisualSources
#histodons #envhist #environmentalhistory #modernhistory #spain #visualsources
All over Victoria there are old rail roads that have been converted to hiking tracks. The old bridges have been renovated so you can walk across them. These tracks are often easy and flat as they were originally made for steam trains transporting timber.
#interestingfacts #modernhistory #hiking #nature #australia
"It is impossible to understand China without understanding this decade of horror, and the ways in which it scarred the entire nation. So why do some of that era’s children still look back on it with fondness?" by Tania Branigan. #China #MaoZedong #CulturalRevolution #modernhistory #history #Communism #rustication #hardship #XiJinping #longread
A tragedy pushed to the shadows: the truth about China’s Cultural Revolution | China | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/19/tragedy-pushed-to-the-shadows-truth-about-china-cultural-revolution
#china #maozedong #culturalrevolution #modernhistory #history #communism #rustication #hardship #xijinping #longread
(To declare an interest: Dr Sabine Clarke is my wife)
"Sabine Clarke is Senior Lecturer in #ModernHistory. She works on the history of #science, #technology and #medicine in Britain and its #colonial #empire between WWI and 1965, with a particular focus on the #Caribbean and #EastAfrica. She kindly agreed to be the latest person interviewed as part of the All Our Yesterdays project."
#modernhistory #science #technology #medicine #colonial #empire #caribbean #eastafrica
Ilse Josepha Lazaroms is Publisher / Commissioning Editor for books in the #Humanities at Amsterdam University Press. She is keen to receive proposals in #ModernHistory, #Memory, #HeritageStudies, #CulturalHistory, #DisasterStudies, #ViolenceStudies & the #Holocaust, #Slavery, #Decolonialism, #EnvironmentalHistory, #LandscapeStudies or any proposal that thinks critically & creatively about our world from a historically informed perspective
Reach Ilse at i.lazaroms@aup.nl
#humanities #modernhistory #memory #heritagestudies #culturalhistory #disasterstudies #violencestudies #holocaust #slavery #decolonialism #environmentalhistory #landscapestudies
❗️There has been a change of time and place for the last lecture of the cycle "Modern World": it will start at 2 PM (UK), via Zoom.
Our guest, Wang Hui (Tsinghua University) will address the past and present history of China, from the perspective of imperialism.
#China #Imperialism #ModernHistory #Empires #OnlineLecture #Histodons
#china #imperialism #modernhistory #empires #onlinelecture #histodons
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/10/books/review/the-education-of-an-idealist-samantha-power.html This was given to me a few years ago by a former student and I just never got to it. I read it this year and am so glad I did. It gave me a personal perspective on how #Political decisions are made and a broader sense of #ModernHistory
Has there been any fiction feature film that has used the attempted coup in Spain in 1981 as its background? #spanishhistory #modernhistory
#modernhistory #spanishhistory
I’m looking for other #Qld & #NQ (& #Australian) school teachers.
Most of my Twitter network is not on Mastodon yet, so far as I can tell. But I suspect that I am not navigating the service very well yet.
#SecondaryTeachers, #highschoolteachers & #academics (Researchers/Writers):
#english, #lit, #literarytheory, #shakespeare, #auslit, #popculture, #poetry, #ancienthistory, #modernhistory, #history (& #humanities), #rome, #greece, #aunzus, #vietnam, #religion, #ane, #hebrew, #koinegreek, #classicalgreek
Re-post after receiving some great feedback and advice on using #mastodon
#qld #NQ #australian #secondaryteachers #highschoolteachers #academics #english #lit #literarytheory #shakespeare #auslit #popculture #poetry #ancienthistory #modernhistory #history #humanities #rome #greece #aunzus #vietnam #religion #ane #hebrew #koinegreek #classicalgreek #mastodon
Medieval church of Elviña (Galicia, Spain). This place witnessed fierce combatants during the battle of A Coruña in 1809
#arqueologia #historia #archaeology #history
#arqueologo #historiador #archaeologist #historian #historiamilitar #militaryhistory #conflictarchaeology #arqueologíadelconflicto #battlefieldarchaeology #battlefield #contemporaryhistory #modernhistory
@histodons @archaeodons @academicchatter
⬇️ https://academia.edu/resource/work/89276084
#modernhistory #contemporaryhistory #battlefield #battlefieldarchaeology #arqueologiadelconflicto #conflictarchaeology #militaryhistory #historiamilitar #historian #archaeologist #historiador #arqueologo #history #archaeology #historia #arqueologia #photofriday
Zum Internationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen ( #OrangeDay ) heute ein Rückblick in unser #Heftarchiv auf #WerkstattGeschichte 4/1993: „Physische #Gewalt im Alltag“, hg. von Thomas Lindenberger & Alf Lüdtke, mit Beiträgen im Thementeil von Michaela Hohkamp, Eva Brücker und David Crew, zum freien download unter https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/physische-gewalt-im-alltag/
#GermanHistory #ModernHistory #Alltagsgeschichte #Gewaltgeschichte #histodons @histodons
#histodons #gewaltgeschichte #Alltagsgeschichte #modernhistory #GermanHistory #gewalt #werkstattgeschichte #heftarchiv #orangeday