Le nouveau schéma de camouflage des F-16 de l’US Air Force se généralise. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/09/actu/le-nouveau-schema-de-camouflage-des-f-16-de-lus-air-force-se-generalise — #f16 #fightingfalcon #usairforce #modernisation #livréebassevisibilité #camouflage
#f16 #fightingfalcon #usairforce #modernisation #livreebassevisibilite #Camouflage
🔁 RATP Group (@RATPgroup)
[#Modernisation] Le @curieuxlive dévoile les coulisses du projet de remplacement des ponts de Chartres @RERB et Gallardon @RERC_SNCF mené par @SNCFReseau et #RATPGroup avec @IDFmobilites, en respectant des délais courts et en impactant le moins possible les voyageurs ⤵
🐦🔗 https://twitter.com/RATPgroup/status/1696437498094706708
🕐 29/08 10:19
Airbus Helicopters va moderniser une partie des UH-72A Lakota de l’US Army. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/airbus-helicopters-va-moderniser-une-partie-des-uh-72a-lakota-de-lus-army — #etatsunis #usarmy #modernisation #lakota #airbushelicopters #uh72a #armynationalguard #securitysupportaviationbattalions
#etatsunis #usarmy #modernisation #Lakota #airbushelicopters #uh72a #armynationalguard #securitysupportaviationbattalions
À Vilnius la Turquie obtient le renouvellement de sa flotte de F-16. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/07/actu/a-vilnius-la-turquie-obtient-le-renouvellement-de-sa-flotte-de-f-16 — #administrationbiden #diplomatie #erdogan #f16cd #f16v #lockheedmartin #modernisation #sommetdelotan #türkhavakuvvetleri
#administrationbiden #diplomatie #erdogan #f16cd #f16v #lockheedmartin #modernisation #sommetdelotan #turkhavakuvvetleri
La Royal Air Force va moderniser ses chasseurs Typhoon FGR.4. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/07/actu/la-royal-air-force-va-moderniser-ses-chasseurs-typhoon-fgr-4 — #captore #euroradar #modernisation #omnirôle #radaràantenneactive #royalairforce #typhoon
#captore #euroradar #modernisation #omnirole #radaraantenneactive #RoyalAirForce #typhoon
🆕Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουμε την έναρξη έργου σήμερα με το @CyprusMFA, με @kkorneliou και @EU_MarioNava, με στόχο τον εκσυγχρονισμό του 🇨🇾Υπουργείου, με την υποστήριξη της ψηφιοποίησής του και την ενίσχυση της αποτελεσματικής διακυβέρνησης και συντονισμού.
RT @EU_reforms: 🆕We are glad to launch another project today with the @CyprusMFA, with @kkorneliou and @EU_MarioNava, aiming towards the #modernisation of the 🇨🇾Ministry, by supporting its #digi…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1635242872437084161
Why are disabled people being kicked off trains? | The Independent
#RMT https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/railways-rmt-strikes-disabled-travellers-transport-b2288856.html
#disabled #trains #railway #modernisation #elderly #parents #youngchildren #accessibility #rmt
So @grantshapps@twitter.com are you first in line for a #Robotic #Prostate examination?
Being all for #Technology, #Modernisation and improving #Efficiency...
Or maybe one of your #Pseudo #Personalities would care to #Volunteer?
#robotic #prostate #technology #modernisation #efficiency #pseudo #personalities #volunteer
#oneabstractaday #justpublished
The diversity of #modernities that can be observed in our world is linked to the claim of living in a global #modernity, in a world society. The book underpins this claim with numerous excursions into Islamic history. It criticises the view that #modernisation can be equated with westernisation and considers different projects of specifically Islamic modernities as integral parts of world society.
From this perspective, the study contributes to the "provincialisation" of European history in contemporary social scientific thought. Contrary to the theories of #postcolonialism associated with the call for the provincialisation of Europe, however, this book adheres to essential traditions of classical sociology. It thus aims to make a contribution to the social theoretical discussion on modernity.
@islamicstudies @sociology #globalhistory #islamicstudies #sociology
#oneabstractaday #JustPublished #modernities #modernity #modernisation #postcolonialism #globalhistory #IslamicStudies #sociology
RT @MaRegionSud: 🟢#Modernisation des #TER : 29 rames circulant entre l'ouest de la Région et les Alpes, seront rénovées entre 2024 et 2030. + de confort et - énergivore. Sur la ligne Marseille-Vintimille, ce sont 31 rames qui seront prochainement rénovées. 130M€ investis au total.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RenaudMuselier/status/1603761016369823745
Is he right? Are there too many #mainframe heads in the sand when it comes to #application #modernisation?
RT @freeformcentral@twitter.com
#Mainframers must be more assertive & outward-looking if they're to counter the anti-mainframe cloud evangelists, writes @Dale_Vile@twitter.com on our @ComputerWeekly@twitter.com blog:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/freeformcentral/status/1603000934321242112
#mainframers #modernisation #application #mainframe
Parution 🇫🇷 – Edgar Leblanc (dir.), "Dictionnaire de l’enseignement agricole", Éducagri Éditions, 2022.
#histed #agriculture #technique #enseignement #France #XIXe #XXe #campagnes #modernisation #ruralité #enseignementagricole #dictionnaire #histodon #histoire #history
#histed #agriculture #Technique #enseignement #France #XIXe #XXe #campagnes #modernisation #ruralité #enseignementagricole #dictionnaire #histodon #histoire #history
So what's your favourite 'app modernisation' (war)story? 😃
RT @freeformcentral@twitter.com
Whether it's #application or #database #modernisation, what is it you're really looking to achieve? It's a many-layered question, writes @bryan_gb@twitter.com
on our @ComputerWeekly@twitter.com blog. https://www.computerweekly.com/blog/Write-side-up-by-Freeform-Dynamics/Does-application-modernisation-mean-what-you-think-it-means
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/freeformcentral/status/1596117329255038983
#modernisation #database #application
Just published: Our new 2022 World eParliament Report looks at how parliaments have been changed and transformed by the pandemic and the lessons for the future #parliament #modernisation #digitalTransformation https://www.ipu.org/resources/publications/reports/2022-11/world-e-parliament-report-2022
#digitaltransformation #modernisation #parliament
RT @EUinCanada: How can we support #Ukraine's recovery?
Tomorrow, 🇪🇺 President @vonderleyen and 🇩🇪 Chancelor will open the International expert conference on the #recovery, #reconstruction and #modernisation of Ukraine ↓
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BogdanKlich/status/1584608680711901184
#Ukraine #Recovery #reconstruction #modernisation
How can we support #Ukraine's recovery?
Tomorrow, 🇪🇺 President @vonderleyen and 🇩🇪 Chancelor will open the International expert conference on the #recovery, #reconstruction and #modernisation of Ukraine ↓
#Ukraine #Recovery #reconstruction #modernisation
Comment soutenir la reconstruction de l'#Ukraine ?
La Présidente 🇪🇺 @vonderleyen et le Chancelier fédéral 🇩🇪 ouvriront demain la Conférence internationale d’experts sur le #redressement, la #reconstruction et la #modernisation de l’Ukraine ↓
#Ukraine #redressement #reconstruction #modernisation
🔴 Today is the Heads of Resources of all #EUAgencies' turn to meet in #Barcelona for their annual meeting.
👉 #DiversityandInclusion, #sharedservices, and HR #modernisation are some of the main points on the agenda.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/fusionforenergy/status/1577956888787968000
#EUAgencies #Barcelona #DiversityandInclusion #sharedservices #modernisation #EUAN #F4E #AnnualMeetings
RT @HaguenauerL@twitter.com
Rendez-vous annuel et essentiel ce matin. Expliquer action #consulaire, présenter priorités #modernisation #visas #actionsociale et défendre le budget #servicepublic #FrançaisdelÉtranger : audition #PLF2023 @AssembleeNat@twitter.com av mon✨#GirlPower équipe budgétaire 💪#JamaisSansElles
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HaguenauerL/status/1575035738931929088
#jamaissanselles #girlpower #plf2023 #francaisdeletranger #servicepublic #actionsociale #visas #modernisation #consulaire
RT @earsc: Read our new EARSC Position paper on the #EO industry views on the evolution of #Copernicus & recommendations for the #modernisation of Copernicus.
Read the position paper here & please share to maximise visibility⤵️
#digitalisation #greendeal #security
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1570365877589090305
#EO #Copernicus #modernisation #digitalisation #GreenDeal #security