Modern Jazz Quartet - "Fontessa" (1956)
Nabbed a stereo copy of this today at the thrift store.
#NowPlaying #MJQ #ModernJazzQuartet #MiltJackson #JohnLewis #PercyHeath #ConnieKay #jazz #vinyl #vinylrecords @vinylrecords
#nowplaying #mjq #modernjazzquartet #miltjackson #johnlewis #PercyHeath #conniekay #jazz #vinyl #vinylrecords
#GreatAlbums1950s - #ModernJazzQuartet – Django (1956). Playing cool and composed when most jazzers were bopping hard, the MJQ brought third-stream classical elements to modern jazz – managing to sound bluesy at the same time (at the insistence of soon-to-depart drummer Kenny Clarke). Milt Jackson’s vibraphone is an acquired taste for those used to horns, but his work complements John Lewis’s lovely elegy for Django Reinhardt and pieces inspired by former boss Dizzy Gillespie.
#greatjazzalbums #modernjazzquartet #greatalbums1950s
Minor Key . Net Returns: Playlist 7/8/23
#ModernJazzQuartet #JohnColtrane #HilaryHahn #BostonSymphonyOrchestra #AndrisNelsons #EldbjørgHemsing #FrodeFjellheim #ArcticPhilharmonic
(with additional links)
#NowPlaying #Sibelius #Vieuxtemps #Shostakovich #JacobShea #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #playlist #playlists #NowListening #Symphony #violin #violinist #Quartet #music
#modernjazzquartet #johncoltrane #hilaryhahn #bostonsymphonyorchestra #andrisnelsons #eldbjorghemsing #frodefjellheim #arcticphilharmonic #nowplaying #sibelius #vieuxtemps #shostakovich #jacobshea #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #playlist #playlists #nowlistening #symphony #violin #violinist #quartet #music
1956 - Birdland All Stars - European tour (French program) - Lester Young, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, René Urtreger trio, Modern Jazz Quartet
#jazz #LesterYoung #MilesDavis #ModernJazzQuartet #BudPowell #RenéUrtreger
#jazz #lesteryoung #milesdavis #modernjazzquartet #budpowell #reneurtreger
Modern Jazz Quartet en concert le 17 août 1991 à Jazz In Marciac
John Lewis (p), Milt Jackson (vib), Percy Heath (b), Connie Kay (dr)
#jazz #podcast #francemusique en 2 parties:
#jazz #podcast #francemusique #modernjazzquartet #miltjackson #johnlewis
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/23/23
#TianwaYang #ModernJazzQuartet #SophieKauer #DudokQuartetAmsterdam #CyrilleDubois #CamilleThomas #JonasNordberg #ConstanceLuzzati #YujaWang #WillieNelson #KaleidoscopeChamberCollective #JuttaHippQuintet #SonicYouth #SonHouse #JoannaNewsom #JasonLoewenstein #SasaVectomov
#tianwayang #modernjazzquartet #sophiekauer #dudokquartetamsterdam #cyrilledubois #camillethomas #jonasnordberg #constanceluzzati #yujawang #willienelson #kaleidoscopechambercollective #juttahippquintet #sonicyouth #sonhouse #joannanewsom #jasonloewenstein #sasavectomov #playlists #nowplaying #classicalmusic #jazz #indiemusic #blues
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
Jazz ‘67 Festival - Berkeley : Big Mama Thornton, #HoraceSilver, #JohnHandy, #MilesDavis, the #ModernJazzQuartet, #BillEvans, the #GeraldWilson Big Band
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #horacesilver #johnhandy #milesdavis #modernjazzquartet #billevans #geraldwilson
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/16/23
#KennyDorham #MonnetteSudler #WesMontgomery #ArtBlakey #TheJazzMessengers #TheModernJazzQuartet #ModernJazzQuartet #TheloniousMonk #SonnyRollins #VicJuris
#Jazz #JazzMusic @jazz #music #NowPlayling #Mastomusic #JazzGuitar #playlist #curator #MusicCurator #ArtBlakeyAndTheJazzMessengers #NowSpinning
#kennydorham #monnettesudler #wesmontgomery #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #themodernjazzquartet #modernjazzquartet #theloniousmonk #sonnyrollins #vicjuris #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #jazz #jazzmusic #music #nowplayling #mastomusic #jazzguitar #playlist #curator #musiccurator #artblakeyandthejazzmessengers #nowspinning
Returned from a sunny spring walk & #NowListening to my latest find: #SonnyRollins With The #ModernJazzQuartet.
I’m a fan of Rollins, #ArtBlackey, & this period of #Prestige in general.
There are sections where this rocks, & Rollins really honks, but some of the ballads are really lovely. In A Sentimental Mood, in particular, stills the turning of the earth - if only for a moment.
This pressing by #OJC is flat, centred, clean, with enough dynamics.
#nowlistening #sonnyrollins #modernjazzquartet #artblackey #prestige #ojc #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz
Check out Milt Jackson's solo break on "A Night in Tunesia" at 1:10. It kicks the song into another gear, and the crowd eats it up.
#jazz #mjq #modernjazzquartet #nightintunesia #miltjackson
The Modern Jazz Quartet is artist of the week over at the new Mastodon instance for jazz people, Come join the friendly group and tell us your favorites by the #MJQ.
#jazz #instances #modernjazzquartet #miltjackson #conniekay #johnlewis #percyheath
#mjq #jazz #instances #modernjazzquartet #miltjackson #conniekay #johnlewis #percyheath
Artist of the week on the Modern Jazz Quartet! What are some of your favorite recordings or memories of the MJQ?
Of course they could swing fast and hard, with Milt Jackson on vibes as the turbo-charged engine, but they were also balanced by John Lewis' cerebral classical touch. Check out this delicate and beautiful ballad, "Cortege."
#jazz #mjq #modernjazzquartet
#nowplaying Cannonball Adderley (with Bill Evans) - Know what I mean? (Riverside, 1961) #jazz #vinyl #vinyllovers #CannonballAdderley #BillEvans #ModernJazzQuartet
#nowplaying #jazz #vinyl #vinyllovers #cannonballadderley #billevans #modernjazzquartet