Chery (Great Australian Pods) · @cheryanne
399 followers · 580 posts · Server :dfm: · @detektorfm
2215 followers · 812 posts · Server
Ben Sunshine · @benSunshine
45 followers · 245 posts · Server

Liebe Personen aus dem Fediverse:

Ich bin auf getroffen über einen Podcast. Habt ihr Tipps, für Einsteiger?
Soweit ich das verstehe geht es vorallem oder ist das auf andere Bereiche, Privatbereich anwendbar?

Und ja ich weiss, es gibt auch andere Theorien. :blobcatbook:

Gerne teilen!

#makrookonomie #buchtipps #modernmonetarytheory

Last updated 1 year ago

re:publica · @republica
3980 followers · 162 posts · Server

Crashkurs zu : Der Wirtschaftsanalyst & YouTuber @mauricehoefgen ist Vertreter der – daher hat er auf das Thema Schulden eine eigene Perspektive.

Er freut sich auf kritische Diskussionen mit euch auf der x @tincon!

#cash #modernmonetarytheory #rp23

Last updated 1 year ago

John Henry · @johnhenryus
8 followers · 70 posts · Server
Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
40486 followers · 38559 posts · Server
Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1052 followers · 3948 posts · Server
Post · @post
104 followers · 964 posts · Server

@rieger_san @pluralistic

you don’t have to use zap’s is you don’t want to

I just said I don’t like that it is slapped in the face of users… with this attitude you are lowering my interest in the platform. I don’t like people who can’t admit obvious problems, I just said the same about the Fediverse to another person in this thread.

I am also tired to hear Bitcoin enthusiasts thinking others don’t understand Bitcoin. We -aware people predicted Bitcoin would become just a tool for financial speculation around 2011 and in all these years we were proven right at 300%.


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr jwwr · @jwwr
313 followers · 266 posts · Server

Of course, large multicultural metropolitan societies being what they are, there is more than one cultural model of . An example is what has historically been referred to as , now known as or . is much less superstitious and relies much less on the kind of magical thinking than the kind of thinking currently happening in the Australian RBA.

The main difference, is that the cultural model MMT identifies the 'inflation' number as originating, not from a magical interpersonal relationship between 'suppliers' and 'demanders', but instead from the underlying economic potential of a market in which a specific currency is used for exchange. MMT recognises that individual members of a society do not have personal relationships with numbers, but instead have interpersonal relationships with other members of the same society.

#economics #chartalism #modernmonetarytheory #mmt

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Woolford 🚌 · @twoolie
14 followers · 118 posts · Server


"Evaded tax means less money for services for those who need it"

This is just not true. Australia has sovereign currency, we spend money into existence and tax money out of existence (see: ).

The only limit on government spending into essential services is how much they compete with private buyers for goods, driving prices up. There are a whole host of services where money could be poured in without inflating the market, especially in healthcare.

The real reason we need to have the wealthy pay their taxes is because allowing a small portion of the population to have exponential wealth growth, while the rest of us have exponential wealth reduction, skews the power balance of governance and devalues the currency the rest of us have left.

If a wealthy minority can always outbid you for a house, you are forced to rent forever. If a wealthy minority can outspend you on political campaigns, their interests are the only ones considered in parliament.


Last updated 2 years ago

PostOrientalism · @steveirons
274 followers · 187 posts · Server

's @StephenWilliams
If and his advisers had understood (, although it was not formulated until decades later) there would likely have been no loans affair.
Central to MMT is the principle that a is one with (i) its own ; (ii) a ; (iii) in a ; and (iv) its own to create the money it needs.

#currency #johnmenadue #centralbank #foreigncurrency #nosignificantborrowings #floatingexchangerate #monetarysovereignnation #whitlam #mmt #modernmonetarytheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr jwwr · @jwwr
306 followers · 242 posts · Server

@ArchaeoIain Yes, at the level of cultural models, that is certainly accurate. At the level of economic theory, there is some great literature on variations in attribution of value to different types of currency. The value of fiat currencies (like the Australian dollar), for example, is based on the underlying value of national productivity. The value of most non-fiat currencies is usually based on the value some other kind of underlying asset, like gold. By contrast, the value of crypto currencies, which represent a special kind of non-fiat currency, is not linked to any underlying asset (except hype). This is what makes crypto currencies so unstable (just like hype).

Your son is 100% correct that crypto currencies very clearly illustrate the overarching cultural principle of all currencies, which is a tacit contract between an issuer and a holder, that they will both share in a common imaginary system of expectations.

#anthropology #socialanthropology #CulturalAnthropology #modernmonetarytheory

Last updated 2 years ago

I boost therefore I am · @swordplay
147 followers · 4944 posts · Server


It *is* subject to the limits of our imagination, that's for sure.

#modernmonetarytheory #mmt

Last updated 2 years ago

Modern Monetary Theory.

Bank of Japan defies the critics, and surprise, surprise, continues its succcessful policy of holding down interests. The money-men don't like it. Tough cookie!

#mmt #modernmonetarytheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Post · @post
97 followers · 684 posts · Server


ways that mathematicians can help humanity face many urgent problems

What about ?


Last updated 2 years ago

Post · @post
78 followers · 489 posts · Server

@drewdevault @skyfaller

Just make people aware of and use that for , , and for almost everything.

After record deficits during Covid19, it is clear that is correct and it is an opportunity to abandon macroeconomic dogmas once and for all.

#freesoftware #jobguarantee #freehealthcare #modernmonetarytheory #freeeducation #mmt

Last updated 2 years ago

Post · @post
79 followers · 426 posts · Server


"National debt" is not a real debt as explained by , check Stephanie Kelton's book "The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy" for an introduction.

Also Cory Doctorow ( @pluralistic ) wrote some articles on it.

#modernmonetarytheory #TheDeficitMyth

Last updated 2 years ago

Post · @post
79 followers · 426 posts · Server
Post · @post
79 followers · 426 posts · Server
Ted Doolittle · @Ted_Doolittle
56 followers · 142 posts · Server

@412David @TonyStark @SkipFleming @GreenFire @BenCisco @stopgopfox @MariaHill

Not upset in the least!

Just surprised an idea this flashy & fun is not as well-known as I thought.

At first, it does seem absurd. But if you look at (like CRT, the "Theory" part of the name is a misnomer - neither is speculative or unproven, they both actually just describe what is observable) and the work of the magnificent , you see it's actually fine & unimpeachable.

#modernmonetarytheory #StephanieKelton

Last updated 2 years ago