@sheepchase @imstilljeremy @mazeldon
The difference between Reform's view on halakhah and Conservative Judaism's is big. Even the most tradition respecting Reform rabbis (e.g. Washofsky ) hold that halakhah is subject to personal autonomy, i.e. Jews always have total autonomy over what to believe, or do, if anything.
In Conservative (and #Sephardic, and #ModernOrthodox) we see #halakhah as our understanding of God's will and thus obligatory, even when differing on interpretations
#Sephardic #modernorthodox #halakhah
Have you davened from Mishkan Tefila? This is the newest #siddur from #ReformJudaism
In your view, wow does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Prayer? To the Conservative movement's Siddur Sim Shalom, or the #ModernOrthodox Koren Sacks Siddur?
#siddur #reformJudaism #modernorthodox #tefila #daven #davening
in case the Hebrew in my display name (which is my Hebrew name) wasn't enough, I am #Jewish. my family is mostly #Ashkenazi from the Pale of Settlement. both sides of my family fled to North America during the pogroms in the 1800s, my mother's family to Canada and my father's family to the United States.
I grew up #Conservadox, flitted between #Chabad and #ModernOrthodox as a teen/young adult and then went #OTD, and am now finding my own derech and my way back. mostly. #Introduction
#jewish #ashkenazi #conservadox #chabad #modernorthodox #otd #introduction
took a bit of a pause, but not done quite yet!
in case the Hebrew in my display name (which is my Hebrew name) wasn't enough, I am #Jewish. my family is mostly #Ashkenazi from the Pale of Settlement. both sides of my family fled to North America during the pogroms in the 1800s, my mother's family to Canada and my father's family to the United States.
I grew up #Conservadox, flitted between #Chabad and #ModernOrthodox as a teen/young adult, and am now finding my own derech. #Introduction
#jewish #ashkenazi #conservadox #chabad #modernorthodox #introduction