I have started thinking about writing another book - to write about the resources I never had starting managing testing (not the testers, and beyond software). #WholeTeamApproach #ModernTesting
What should I include?
#wholeteamapproach #moderntesting
Another AB Testing is available. For this episode, we try to "touch" on chatGPT, but despite my efforts, we pretty much /only/ talked about AI and our computer overlords.
@BrentMJensen@twitter.com #moderntesting #ChatGPT
Thanks for all the love and support this year! #SpotifyWrapped #2022PodcasterWrapped https://wrappedforpodcasters.byspotify.com/api/share/1bf245ae-73e3-42a8-af20-419801228519
@BrentMJensen@twitter.com #moderntesting #oneofthethree
#spotifywrapped #2022podcasterwrapped #moderntesting #oneofthethree