#SocialEcology is not Bookchinism.
#MurrayBookchin made enormous contributions to #social #ecology, it's true. We definitely shouldn't discard him. But he's not the only one, or perfect, or the "best" whatever that means.
Social ecology is, by definition, #collaborative and anti-hierarchichal. It is #anarchism. Nobody can be at the center. Social ecologist #theory and #praxis must be developed by a multitude of different people from different backgrounds. We certainly shouldn't elevate a white American man theorist above all others, no matter how much we like his ideas.
I've read The Philosophy of Social Ecology, and I'm almost finished reading The Ecology of Freedom. The next book I read on social ecology will not be Bookchin. It will probably be Pan-African Social Ecology, by #ModiboKadalie.
#socialecology #murraybookchin #social #ecology #collaborative #anarchism #theory #praxis #modibokadalie