🇺🇸 #DeckyCraft is pending verification on @modrinth. When it’s ready, I’ll let you know and start working on version for #Minecraft 1.20.1!
🇵🇱 #DeckyCraft oczekuje na weryfikację na @modrinth. Jak tylko będzie gotowy dam znać i zacznę pracować nad wersją dla #Minecraft 1.20.1!
#Microsoft #Valve #Steam #SteamDeck #game #gra #modpack #paczka
#paczka #modpack #gra #game #SteamDeck #steam #valve #microsoft #minecraft #deckycraft
Nie wiem czy mamy tu jakiś graczy #Minecraft i/lub graczy #SteamDeck, ale chciałem się z Wami podzielić czymś, co przygotowałem.
#DeckyCraft to minecraftowa paczka modów, a także konfiguracji i instrukcji stworzona przeze mnie specjalnie do grania na Steam Decku, która podniesie wrażenia z gry na wyższy level!
#Modpack dodaje m.in. obsługę kontrolera i dotyku, ale też odległościowego czatu głosowego czy hostiwania świata przez internet.
#modpack #deckycraft #SteamDeck #minecraft
The pixels are calling us, so we better hop into the world of #Minecraft, with the #modpack Infinity Reloaded in expert mode!
Resources to mine, oil refinery to setup, ain't gonna get done by itself 🤣
#Giveaway winner for #Boundless to be done in the first two hours as well!
#minecraft #modpack #giveaway #boundless #twitch #streamer #gamer #pve
Nun habe ich seit einigen Tagen #Caveopolis am Wickel, ein #Minecraft #Modpack das auf 1.18 aufsetzt und nicht dieser Seuche unter #Skyblock-artigen anheim gefallen ist, für das frühe Spiel komplett auf Create und/oder Ex Nihilo zu setzen. Nicht dass die beiden Mods schlecht wären, aber sie haben die Szene sehr, sehr eintönig gemacht.
Wie dem auch sei, bisher ein sehr gemächlicher und ruhiger Fortschrittsverlauf. Gefällt mir gut! Und das, obwohl es komplett Quest-getrieben ist.
#caveopolis #minecraft #modpack #skyblock
Tonight we will be streaming some more #minecraft & I can’t wait, really been enjoying this expert mode #modpack
We managed to get a few things sorted on our last #stream so let’s see if we can build upon that tonight!
#minecraft #modpack #stream #twitch #gamer #streamer #pve
Finally, after many months in the making, I'm proud to announce the version 2 release of my #Minecraft #modpack: Galaxy Odyssey!
Among other things, I added ~350 collectable trading cards representing all the monsters in the pack.
Why is making a "good" #minecraft #modpack so hard? I wasted a whole month and still find compatibility and performance problems...
I finished as much Sevtech Ages as I have the patience for last night. All in all it was a positive experience although it does tend to be needlessly grindy at the end of each age. We did cheat in a few items along the way, because who has the energy for all that crafting to get one component for a thing? I'll keep going to get at least one creative item but not as my main focus. I'm looking forward to starting Project Ozone 3 and Minecolonies as my next #Minecraft #Modpack in a few weeks.
We're back folks...finally returning to some #Minecraft, the Ferret has died...soo we're jumping onto a new mod pack on expert Infinity Reloaded, wish me luck! lol
#minecraft #streamer #twitch #gamer #pve #modpack
We're back folks...finally returning to some #Minecraft, the Ferret has died...soo we're jumping onto a new mod pack on expert Infinity Reloaded, wish me luck! lol
#minecraft #streamer #twitch #gamer #pve #modpack
Not going to lie, this #MineCraft #ModPack looks fun af.
Not going to lie, this #MineCraft #ModPack looks fun af.
Vault Hunters ist so ein super #Minecraft #modpack. Will aktuell eigentlich nichts anderes mehr spielen 😭
Außer Bliss natürlich. Und bald auch GoW. Und ab und an mal Astroneer!
some people just have the best ideas AND implementations
The Mi Mod (Sound on):
habt ihr auch das Problem, dass @minecraft nicht deskriptiv genug ist und es schwierig ist eure Freund*innen ins Spiel rein zu holen?
Schaut euch mal dieses Modpack an 👀
#LiveNow @ https://twitch.tv/L1L_F3LL4
Day off, so time to catch up with some #Minecraft on our #modded #WyvernRealm server playing The Ferret Business 1.7.10 #modpack!
Lets see what we can pixel today, things to check out, progress to make, fun to be had!
#livenow #minecraft #modded #WyvernRealm #modpack #twitch #streamer
I compiled all the mods I was using and adjusted the configuration files to create a new #Minecraft #modpack based on the original #Hexxit that I'm calling Hexxonia!
It's currently only on TechnicPack, but soon it'll be on CurseForge, too, so check it out: