So maybe poetry isnt dead....
#Alfilreis #modpo #KWH #poetry
Watch the "foggy glasses" video!
#alfilreis #modpo #kwh #poetry
SESSION #4 – April 24-May 3 – Jake Marmer on Hank Lazer
Hank Lazer’s Poetry: Experiments and Rituals
We’ll spend 10 days reading poems by this inventive, versatile, and prolific contemporary poet, Hank Lazer. Special attention will be given to his shape-poems — hand-written improvisations that freely move across the surface of the page. In Lazer’s work, spirituality meets humor, and philosophical quests meet everyday life: dogs, conversations, walks, and so much more.
#KWH #modpo #penn
SESSION #3 – March 13 – 22 — Irene Torra Mohedano on Alejandra Pizarnik
Alejandra Pizarnik: You write poems because you need a place where what isn’t may be.
Can we hide in language? Can we use language to say the unsayable? What is it that cannot be said? In this mini-course we will encounter the poet Alejandra Pizarnik (Buenos Aires, 1936-1972) and we will discuss a selection of poems....
SESSION #2 – February 13 -22, 2023 — Kate Colby on Lorine Niedecker
Reading Lorine Niedecker’s Calendar Poem(s)
In this mini course we will read Lorine Niedecker’s poem series “Next Year or I Fly My Rounds, Tempestuous” in its entirety. Unpublished in Niedecker’s lifetime and only rediscovered in the 1990s, the handwritten series was pasted onto pages of a 1935 pocket calendar and hand-bound as a gift to Louis Zukofsky....
SloPo courses – winter and spring 2023
SESSION #1 – January 6 – 20, 2023 — Al Filreis on Joan Retallack
Writing as poethics.
We will read and discuss a selection of poems and other writings of Joan Retallack. Our discussions will take place primarily in online discussion forums. In addition we will schedule two optional Zoom sessions.
Are Imagery and Imagism Different?
#PoetryTwitter #Poetry #ModPo @ModPoPenn @Afilreis
@Coffeehudigi @vikramr @FoolzWizdom
been writing poetry since age 5, but really started thinking about how other poets think a decade ago when i first took the free MOOC from Penn called ModPo, been a volunteer educator with the course ever since!
#Intro: I am the #parent of two teens, married to a doctor, live in #sandiego, work as #softwaredev at #illumina in #bioinformatics. I play #viola & #violin #classicalmusic like on a semipro level, help run the SoCal Chamber Music workshop for many years. Avid reader / sometime #writer of #poetry, a community TA for the UPenn massive online course #modpo. Worry all the time about #climate, hope my work on #genetics will help. #fountainpens #yiddish #jewish #torah #ethics
#parent #SanDiego #softwaredev #illumina #bioinformatics #viola #violin #classicalmusic #writer #poetry #modpo #climate #genetics #fountainpens #yiddish #jewish #Torah #ethics #intro