MOAR DiFoolishness.
#Comics #IncalUniverse #Humanoids #JodoVerse #Moebius #PsychoVerse #TheDyingStar #Incal #Jodororowsky
#comics #incaluniverse #humanoids #jodoverse #moebius #psychoverse #thedyingstar #incal #jodororowsky
I'm going through my Free Comic Book Day #Comics and noticed that I forgot about the #2022 #IncalUniverse issue. #Humanoids is expanding and publishing new comics in the #JodoVerse. Of course we'll be missing #Moebius, but it's good that the comics are not laid dormant. #PsychoVerse and #TheDyingStar are already out as it seems and #KillWolfhead will be available next month.
#comics #incaluniverse #humanoids #jodoverse #moebius #psychoverse #thedyingstar #killwolfhead #incal #jodororowsky #fcbd #fcbd2022
Alice, un micro ordenador francés de los 80 que por lo visto no tuvo mucho éxito, a pesar del precioso artwork de Moebius con el que contó
#alicecomputer #retrocomputing #moebius
Love it! More abstract images of his in this style are found in his book Chaos, highly recommended!
I’d love to see some serious medium budget #70sStyleSciFi camp. Stuff like Krull, Flash Gorden, Barbarella. French Comic SciFi. The style of #Moebius or other glam / bubblegum SciFi pop.
Everything doesn’t have to have fate of the world, fate of the Galaxy stakes. I’d love to see some low stakes, goofball SciFi.
Blu-ray of the 4K version of Les Maîtres du temps (1982) directed by René Laloux is coming out in Japan on September 22 時の支配者
#LeMaitresduTemps #Moebius #Animation #Films #bluray
#bluray #films #animation #moebius #lemaitresdutemps
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 11, 3 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 11, 2 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 11, 1 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Knocked up a home made #youloop - otherwise known as a #moebius antenna today. Surprised that it works at all for such a small circumference - about 220cm. I've an #airspy HF+ Discovery, which is sensitive enough for it. Learnings: 1. It's impossible to solder the shield of Screwfix RG6 satellite coax 2. Use 2 small boxes for the connections. - I didn't. #hamradio
#hamradio #airspy #moebius #youloop
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 10, 3 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 10, 2 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 10, 1 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 9, 3 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 9, 2 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Postmodern eurospace comics of the 60s & 70s. Set 9, 1 of 3
#WhoNeedsToBreathe #WeDidThisForTheView #ApologiesTo #JeanClaudeMézières #Moebius #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#whoneedstobreathe #wedidthisfortheview #apologiesto #jeanclaudemezieres #moebius #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion