Harvey Sandstrom · @cd0
30 followers · 176 posts · Server mastodon.social

I poked at the interface on my using a bluetooth serial app on my phone. If sent a question mark it will echo back a question mark. If sent "help" there is no response. Without an app to use as a guide it would be incredibly difficult to try to reverse engineer the commands.

There may in fact be almost no commands, but I strongly suspect there is at least:
• Firmware Update
• Enter Shipping Mode
• (Less Likely) Hardware Test Mode

#btle #moflin

Last updated 2 years ago

Harvey Sandstrom · @cd0
30 followers · 175 posts · Server mastodon.social

I have a robotic pet from a kickstarter campaign. Unfortunately they decided that it should beg for attention while in its charging dish. At first this was cute, but only the first or second time. Now I find this very irritating and am debating letting the battery run flat so it will shut the hell up.

There is no off switch, and while there is bluetooth, there is no app or documentation. It appears to be the usual fake-serial over .

#moflin #btle #gatt

Last updated 2 years ago