ITM drivers!
Your #KoK here is about to, for the first time, formally take the now almost fully formed #MofoShip for a test drive by recording 's episode 18, written by the one and only @CSB and dedicated to not just your ears but yours & your children's future.
#kok #mofoship #theSingularityisNear #riseoftheKoK
ITM meerkats!
Cracking a polack Zubr beer as I finally find an hour or two spare to put a coat of paint on the walls n ceiling of my #Leantudio, soon host to the #TipoftheKoK, the bridge of the great #MofoShip, in honour of one of my #podcastPartners @CSB
Bottoms up!
#podcastPartners #Leantudio #TipoftheKoK #mofoship
@PhoneBoy multiple schools.
Able to collect, deploy and disperse. Similar tactics used by protestors in Hong Kong. Im not directing it or calling it, just seeing it happen before it does.
Welcome to the #MofoShip. Those who don't act will find the sands of time, grain after grain will slip away before their eyes. They risk being chewed up. You participate in a meaningful manner and you have HUGE spoon of bigly feels from your #KoK.
Much love, and proper BIGLY restecp.
ITM @jitsi !
Day #2 of manning the helm of the great #Mofoship. The Mothership Motherf*cker is coming along nicely alot of decent progress was made yesterday and today after I drum up some man power with another Bat Signal we're going to plough on.
#mofoship #HEREYEHEREYE #tikameme
ITM Mofo's'n'Such!
I just installed a lovely new m.2 drive.
Decided to take the CALL OF DUTY WARZONE twitch streamers for all they are worth.
So I'm resurgence rebirth trios with randoms getting my fingers a chance to get up to speed.
If anyone fancies jumping on the #mofoship hit me up with a DM.
Oh and I'm so good at the scam callers now they hang up before 3 mins 3 secs.
@ReadyKilowatt @jessecoynelson err
Tick tock
Your lives are tiktoking away but luckily this #KoK got the keys to the #mofoship n we all get a chance to get on at least once.
Its a big olde beautiful world we're in fellas n its only gonna get purtier.