"Forty-day commemorations for the dead are common in Iran and the wider Middle East. But they also can turn into cyclical confrontations between an increasingly disillusioned public and security forces that turn to greater violence to suppress them, as they had in the chaos leading up to Iran’s 1979 revolution."
#mohammadmehdikarmi #mohammadhosseini #stopexecutionsiniran #IranRevolution
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
Funeral of #MohammadMehdiKarmi, young Kurdish-Iranian executed by the regime for protesting.
Even at his funeral, intelligence officers didn’t let his family breathe.
This #IranRevolution started with #Jina. It won’t end here. We will be their voice.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1611801034682208256
#mohammadmehdikarmi #iranrevolution #jina
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
#MohammadMehdiKarmi’s dad asked him:
“Son, were you involved in anything they accused you of”
“I swear to your calloused hands I’m innocent”
The Islamist regime executed this 22-year old. He didn’t have a lawyer and couldn’t say farewell to his parents
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1612164992366690306
#MohammadMehdiKarmi’s dad asked him:
“Son, were you involved in anything they accused you of”
“I swear to your calloused hands I’m innocent”
The Islamist regime executed this 22-year old. He didn’t have a lawyer and couldn’t say farewell to his parents • Source: https://nitter.namazso.eu/AlinejadMasih/status/1612164992366690306#m
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
Ecco uno dei "giudici della morte" in #Iran. Si chiama Musa Asif Al-Hosseini, è il giudice che ha emesso il verdetto di esecuzione dell'impiccagione dei giovani pacifici manifestanti nonviolenti #MohammadHosseini (26 anni) e #MohammadMehdiKarmi (22 anni)
#iran #mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarmi
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
Ecco uno dei "giudici della morte" in #Iran. Si chiama Musa Asif Al-Hosseini, è il giudice che ha emesso il verdetto di esecuzione dell'impiccagione dei giovani pacifici manifestanti nonviolenti #MohammadHosseini (26 anni) e #MohammadMehdiKarmi (22 anni)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarianoGiustino/status/1612030365945810945
#iran #mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarmi
Funeral of #MohammadMehdiKarmi, young Kurdish-Iranian murdered by the Islamic Republic regime for protesting. This #IranRevolution won’t end here. We will be their voice.
#mohammadmehdikarmi #iranrevolution
Funeral of #MohammadMehdiKarmi, young Kurdish-Iranian executed by the regime for protesting.
Even at his funeral, intelligence officers didn’t let his family breathe.
This #IranRevolution started with #Jina. It won’t end here. We will be their voice. • Source: http://nitter.notraxx.ch/AlinejadMasih/status/1611801034682208256#m
#jina #iranrevolution #mohammadmehdikarmi
RT @martelf@twitter.com
Pendaison ce matin de Mohammad Karami et Seyed Hosseini malgré les appels de la communauté internationale. Deux hommes qui n'ont pas eu de procès sérieux, n'ont pas eu d'avocat, n'ont bénéficié d'aucune règle d'un état de droit. #Iran #MohammadMehdiKarmi
RT @iran_journal@twitter.com
#MohammadMehdiKarmi und #MohammadHosseini wurden erhängt, sagt #Iran s Justiz. Wenn die Welt nicht laut genug protestiert werden mind. 24 weitere junge inhaftierte Protestierende, die zum Tode verurteilt sind, getötet. Sie dürfen keine Anwälte ihrer Wahl haben.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/iran_journal/status/1611625919558434816
#IranProtests2022 #iran #mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarmi
RT @Hope223243@twitter.com
@MasudGh@twitter.com The world should take an action!
The time has come to “Expel Islamic republic diplomats and ambassadors “
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hope223243/status/1611627186116788226
#mohammadhosseini #mohammadmehdikarmi #iranrevoiution
RT @LettresTeheran@twitter.com
L’avocat de #MohammadMehdiKarmi qui n’a jamais pu le défendre déclare dans son Tweet que Mehdi a été pendu tandis qu’il était en grève de la faim et sans pouvoir voir une dernière fois ses parents, ce qui est pourtant prévu dans la loi. https://twitter.com/mhaghasi1/status/1611590139280785413
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LettresTeheran/status/1611630981013807104
RT @iran_journal@twitter.com
#MohammadMehdiKarmi und #MohammadHosseini wurden erhängt, sagt #Iran s Justiz. Wenn die Welt nicht laut genug protestiert werden mind. 24 weitere junge inhaftierte Protestierende, die zum Tode verurteilt sind, getötet. Sie dürfen keine Anwälte ihrer Wahl haben.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/iran_journal/status/1611625919558434816
#mohammadmehdikarmi #mohammadhosseini #Iran #IranProtests2022
#MohammadMehdiKarmi und #MohammadHosseini wurden erhängt, sagt #Iran s Justiz. Wenn die Welt nicht laut genug protestiert werden mind. 24 weitere junge inhaftierte Protestierende, die zum Tode verurteilt sind, getötet. Sie dürfen keine Anwälte ihrer Wahl haben.
#IranProtests2022 • Quelle: https://nitter.namazso.eu/iran_journal/status/1611625919558434816#m
#mohammadmehdikarmi #mohammadhosseini #iran #IranProtests2022