RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
News is circulating that the death sentence against #MohammedBoroghani has been temporarily suspended. Allegedly the Supreme Court is reviewing his case. I remain cautious: The Iranian regime has often spread false reports. #IranRevoIution2022 #StopExecutionsInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1613193400647405569
#StopExecutionsInIran #iranrevoiution2022 #mohammedboroghani
#IranRevolution #IranRevolution2023 #StopExecutionsInIran
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
News is circulating that the death sentence against #MohammedBoroghani has been temporarily suspended. Allegedly the Supreme Court is reviewing his case. I remain cautious: The Iranian regime has often spread false reports. #IranRevoIution2022 #StopExecutionsInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1613193400647405569
#iranrevoiution2022 #mohammedboroghani #StopExecutionsInIran #iranrevolution2023 #iranrevolution
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
According to information from Iran, #MohammedBoroghani and #MohammedGhobadlou have been transferred to solitary confinement. Their executions could be imminent. What kind of regime is this that murders its own people? Shame on Khamenei. #StopExecutionsInIran #IranRevoIution2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1612369908574085120
#iranrevoiution2022 #StopExecutionsInIran #mohammedghobadlou #mohammedboroghani
Regime is planning to execute two brave man's whose only fault was to have human value.
Be more than their voices
Do something please...
they are so young 💔
#mohammadghobadlu #mohammedboroghani
RT @Helge_Limburg
Protesting for the life of #mohammadmehdikarami!
#WomanLifeFreedom #jinjiyanazadi #iranrevolution2023 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution #mohammadhoseini #mohammadghobadloo #mohammedboroghani #stopexecutionsiniran #mohammadmehdikarami
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
Wichtiger Beitrag heute Nacht im ZDF heute-journal-update über den Widerstand gegen das Mullah-Regime in #Iran mit Hinweis auf das schlimme Schicksal von #MohammedBoroghani und einem Statement von mir.
#IranRevolution2022 #StopExecutionInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1611303755747840001
#Iran #mohammedboroghani #iranrevolution2022 #stopExecutionInIran
RT @Helge_Limburg@twitter.com
Protesting for the life of #mohammadmehdikarami!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Helge_Limburg/status/1611395367039287297
#womanlifefreedom #jinjiyanazadi #iranrevolution2023 #iranrevolution2022 #iranrevolution #mohammadhoseini #mohammadghobadloo #mohammedboroghani #stopexecutionsiniran #mohammadmehdikarami
Thank you very much Mr. @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com for all your efforts 🙏
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
Encouraging news from #Iran: #MohammedBoroghani is no longer threatened with death sentence. He now faces one year in prison and 74 brutal lashes. I will keep on fighting til he is finally released. #IranRevolution2022 #StopExecutionInIran
@YeOne_Rhie@twitter.com @GildaSahebi@twitter.com @FardadFarahzad@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1609895855045181441
#iran #mohammedboroghani #iranrevolution2022 #stopExecutionInIran
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Emergency 🆘
Charged with being an “enemy of God” (no doubt 4 being ‘a bit different’) 19 year old #MohammedBoroghani in serious danger of imminent execution, now moved to where they take you before being hanged. We are your voice. Regime take note. #StopExecutionInIran #OpIran
#opiran #stopexecutioniniran #mohammedboroghani
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Emergency 🆘
Charged with being an “enemy of God” (no doubt 4 being ‘a bit different’) 19 year old #MohammedBoroghani in serious danger of imminent execution, now moved to where they take you before being hanged. We are your voice. Regime take note. #StopExecutionInIran #OpIran
#mohammedboroghani #stopExecutionInIran #opiran
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Emergency 🆘
Charged with being an “enemy of God” (no doubt 4 being ‘a bit different’) 19 year old #MohammedBoroghani in serious danger of imminent execution, now moved to where they take you before being hanged. We are your voice. Regime take note. #StopExecutionInIran #OpIran
#opiran #stopExecutionInIran #mohammedboroghani
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
+++Breaking+++ #MohammedBoroghani was transferred from solitary confinement back to the general ward of the prison. Public pressure is working. But his life is still in danger - the death sentence has not been suspended yet. I promise: We’ll keep on fighting. #StopExecutionInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1604431794413211649
#stopExecutionInIran #mohammedboroghani
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
+++Breaking+++ #MohammedBoroghani was transferred from solitary confinement back to the general ward of the prison. Public pressure is working. But his life is still in danger - the death sentence has not been suspended yet. I promise: We’ll keep on fighting. #StopExecutionInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1604431794413211649
#stopexecutioniniran #mohammedboroghani
RT by @Khani2Mina: +++Breaking+++ #MohammedBoroghani was transferred from solitary confinement back to the general ward of the prison. Public pressure is working. But his life is still in danger - the death sentence has not been suspended yet. I promise: We’ll keep on fighting. #StopExecutionInIran • Quelle: https://tw.artemislena.eu/MDiedenhofen/status/1604431794413211649#m
#mohammedboroghani #stopExecutionInIran
RT by @Khani2Mina: +++Breaking+++ #MohammedBoroghani was transferred from solitary confinement back to the general ward of the prison. Public pressure is working. But his life is still in danger - the death sentence has not been suspended yet. I promise: We’ll keep on fighting. #StopExecutionInIran • Quelle: https://tw.artemislena.eu/MDiedenhofen/status/1604431794413211649#m
#mohammedboroghani #stopExecutionInIran
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Emergency 🆘
Charged with being an “enemy of God” (no doubt 4 being ‘a bit different’) 19 year old #MohammedBoroghani in serious danger of imminent execution, now moved to where they take you before being hanged. We are your voice. Regime take note. #StopExecutionInIran #OpIran
#opiran #stopExecutionInIran #mohammedboroghani
RT @maasalan
Imagine being only 19 sitting on death row for protesting for hope; for a future; for the end of this genocidal regime.
Please don’t stop saying his name. His family have been given word his execution is STILL imminent. #MohammedBoroghani #StopExecutionInIran https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1603099927294320640
#stopexecutioniniran #mohammedboroghani
RT @MDiedenhofen@twitter.com
Since I am the political sponsor of #MohammedBoroghani I receive a lot of messages from #Iran. Thank you so much for every word. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to reply to all of the messages - but I care about each one ♥️ #IranRevoIution2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MDiedenhofen/status/1604158879461388289
#mohammedboroghani #iran #iranrevoiution2022
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Emergency 🆘
Charged with being an “enemy of God” (no doubt 4 being ‘a bit different’) 19 year old #MohammedBoroghani in serious danger of imminent execution, now moved to where they take you before being hanged. We are your voice. Regime take note. #StopExecutionInIran #OpIran
#mohammedboroghani #stopexecutioniniran #opiran