One in eight Test Valley criminals reoffended within a year | Hampshire Chronicle
#criminals #ReoffendingRate #TestValley #moj #HowardLeaguePenalReform
“The scandal over government-owned flats in #Islington poses the question ‘how many more are there?’”
by Steve Topple in @thecanaryuk
“A block of #MinistryOfJustice (#MoJ)-owned flats in Islington has been lying empty for years – all while desperate families wait for accommodation. So, campaigners took over the flats in protest – but were met by a ridiculous response from the cops.
The protest highlighted the issue of vacant government residential properties. Moreover, the government doesn’t say how many empty homes it owns – and all the while, people live through a housing crisis.”
#ToryHousingCrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern
#Islington #MinistryofJustice #moj #ToryHousingCrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern
Homegrown short video platform #Moj has partnered with #DolbyLaboratories to bring support for #DolbyVision to its platform. Now, creators will be able to utilize the technology to create and share videos on Moj with improved colours and greater detail. #press
#moj #dolbylaboratories #dolbyvision #press
Braverman bill could lead to 3,000 asylum seekers being deported a month | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
#asylumseekers #deportation #Braverman #homeoffice #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #legalaid #MassDeportations #refugees #moj #tories
Overcrowding in prisons is a ‘powder keg waiting to blow’ | The Independent
#Overcrowding #prisons #PrisonCrisis #moj #PoliceCells #HMChiefInspectorOfPrisons #PrisonOfficersAssociation #POA #PrisonersFrustrstion #violence #PoliceRecruitmentDrive #tories #LengthOfSentences #Sentenced #ViolentCriminals #SexualOffenders #Raab #parole #reed #HowardLeaguePenalReform #PrisonReformTrust #RapidDeploymentCells #HMPNorwich
Danny Shaw continued:
5 Nonsensical reform of
@Parole_Board which means that hundreds of prisoners assessed by independent experts to be suitable for a move to an open prison are stuck in closed jails. It runs the risk they will be let out without being tested first in open conditions.
6 Proposals for further
@Parole_Board changes which would threaten its independence & give Ministers power over individual release decisions- politicising the process.
#UKPolitics #Raab #MOJ
Danny Shaw continued:
3 A probation system that is on its knees due to years of underfunding, too many organisational changes & lack of experienced staff.
’s focus on this evident only after damning reports were published this year into the cases of Damien Bendall & Jordan MacSweeney
4. A flawed strategy on victims because [he] failed to fill the critical post of Victims’ Commissioner after @VeraBaird stepped down 7 months ago.
#Raab #MOJ #UKPolitics
cont/d ..
Danny Shaw thread page 2
2 Prisons so full that police cells are being used, judges have been instructed to take capacity pressures into account when sentencing, some inmates are being fast-tracked to open prisons (where there is more space) & early release on tag is being extended.
#Raab #MOJ #Useless #UKPolitics cont/d ...
#ukpolitics #useless #moj #raab