Just got back dfrom visiting the Amana Colonies with @TheZooLady and my brother and sister-in-law. Good times had by all. The toy store actually had #Shashibo and I got one for myself finally. @TheZooLady is playing with her #Moji dog that showed up today, and I'm taking a break before dinner.
Grace & Moji fffer an even-keeled devotion with “Our Love” #2023_07_26 #earmilk #tayo_odutola #indie #pop #grace #grace_moji #moji
#2023_07_26 #earmilk #tayo_odutola #indie #pop #grace #grace_moji #moji
Sebelum ke Taiwan ya neiikkk, ada baiknya kita menjajal panggung meksinger dulu~ jaman opera van lakers nih bareng lebron sama westbrook #westbrick, wb terakhir udah pindah ke clippers bareng kawhi setahuku~ #dwighthoward #octopusmask #themaskedsinger 🐙 oh and how I miss those good OCHANNEL days before changing its name into #Moji focusing on volleyball games even more where NBA is aired regularly in the morning although it was mostly Lakers match 🏀🙃🫠 #boomboombangbang
#westbrick #dwighthoward #octopusmask #themaskedsinger #moji #boomboombangbang
As much inconsistent as ma.gg(u)iii(r)eeee Margaret LyViærpool can be this season, they somehow never get that #Moji treatment just like our beloved (dancing) football club. When it comes to #PremierLeague broadcasting, #Moji is known for airing underperformed, lesser-known teams with the exceptions of #Tottenham and #NewcastleUnited so if Moji decides to air this kind of match tonight, then you must know the conclusion of this statement already #CHELSEAMAN12AS #DUKUNGCELSYONGSAMPAIAMSYONG 💙💋🔥
#moji #premierleague #tottenham #newcastleunited #chelseaman12as #dukungcelsyongsampaiamsyong
#門司港 #門司港レトロ #バナナのたたき売り#mojiko #banana#fukuoka #kitakyushu https://www.alojapan.com/733623/%e9%96%80%e5%8f%b8%e6%b8%af-%e9%96%80%e5%8f%b8%e6%b8%af%e3%83%ac%e3%83%88%e3%83%ad-%e3%83%90%e3%83%8a%e3%83%8a%e3%81%ae%e3%81%9f%e3%81%9f%e3%81%8d%e5%a3%b2%e3%82%8amojiko-bananafukuoka-kitakyus/
#Banana #Fukuoka #Kitakyushu #Kitakyushudestinations #Kitakyushutour #Kitakyushutravel #Kitakyushutrip #Kitakyushuvacation #Kitakyusyu #Moji #Mojiko #北九州
#門司港 #門司港レトロ #バナナのたたき売り #banana #kitakyushu #fukuoka #kitakyushudestinations #kitakyushutour #kitakyushutravel #kitakyushutrip #kitakyushuvacation #kitakyusyu #moji #mojiko #北九州
Jadi ingat #OChannel sebelum rebranding jadi #Moji akhir tahun lalu. Tiap nayangin NBA pagi-pagi pasti pertandingannya Lakers mulu yang disiarin hehehe, walaupun ujung-ujungnya kalah XD
Tapi pas udah ganti nama jadi Moji udah improve banget sih, udah banyak banget kemajuannya dibandingkan pas jadi OChannel dulu: Mulai nayangin #UCL sama Liga Inggris walaupun bukan tim besar, ikut nayangin pildun pula pas akhir tahun lalu, kalaupun nayangin NBA pagi-pagi juga gak melulu Lakers lagi.