My #mokaexpress brewing #coffee. My #frenchpress broke some time ago so this is my current brewing method.
There are definitely better methods to make coffee IMO but a moka makes decent strong coffee and is very durable. This one was made in 2004 and is still going strong. All the internals can be replaced if needed.
Also a classic design that has been the same for many decades.
#frenchpress #coffee #mokaexpress
Je öfter man sich dieses Infografik-GIF anschaut, desto mehr Fragen stellen sich einem. (Gefunden in #bialetti #mokaexpress #nzz
Day 20 of the #Coffee #Advent calendar. Switched back to the #MokaExpress to mix things up a bit.
Today’s roast is Sheka from Fuglen Coffee Roasters based in Oslo, Norway. The initial and ground scent was of berries, mostly Raspberry. The brew was also berry-rich but easy to drink. Despite it being a much stronger brew than my usual Aeropress, I found myself going through it quickly. No surprise to find out afterwards that it was honey-process.
#coffeenerds #kaffee #mokaexpress #advent #coffee
Day 14 of the #Coffee #Advent calendar. Used the #MokaExpress to end the work week. Today’s roast is Kieni from Coffee Collective.
Initial scent was sweet and acidic. When ground the smell was fruity with a bit of melon. The taste is fruity, but not too acidic.
#coffeenerds #kaffee #mokaexpress #advent #coffee
It’s day 7 of this #Coffee #Advent calendar. Today is the second Geisha roast of the set: Altieri Alessa Geisha WX from Coffea Circulor.
When I opened the tube of this roast I immediately got the strong smell of almonds. Decided to use the #MokaExpress today but did a better job with the water:grounds ratio and keeping better control of the temperature. The result is a strong but not overwhelmingly flavorful brew with the taste of almonds and apricot coming through.
#coffeenerds #kaffee #mokaexpress #advent #coffee
Day 3 of #Coffee #Advent calendar. Today is Luis Anastasio Castro from da Matteo in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Decided to use the #MokaExpress for this one. This is the first honey-process roast and no surprise it’s my favorite so far.
Scent is floral and a bit sweet. Taste is fruity but not too acidic.
Glad I didn’t use this sample all-at-once.
#Kaffee #CoffeeNerds
#coffeenerds #kaffee #mokaexpress #advent #coffee