#Moko and more:
" Moale James was refused entry to a bar in Brisbane last year due to cultural markings on her face.
Ms James' face is marked with reva reva – cultural markings that Indigenous women in Papua New Guinea have worn for centuries.
Now, the company behind the bar is changing its entry policy across all of its venues. "
Big ol Rimu tree #moko #OtariWilsons #wellington
#moko #otariwilsons #Wellington
An older pic of a preggo Moko (Sidekick of Akko-Chan) #HimitsuNoAkkoChan #Moko #loli #pregnant #belly
#himitsunoakkochan #moko #loli #pregnant #belly
Lovely having my moko here. Calls me Kui. I have had hugs. Everyone resting cos delayed flights. Friday off for a few days when the rest of whānau arrives from Naarm. I have not spent much time with them in the last few years and excited for this time together. #whānau #moko #NZTwits
RT @polizeiberlin
vor 3 Min.
"Nach dem Erlass eines Haftbefehls bittet unsere 7. #MoKo um Hinweise aus der Bevölkerung zur Person des Beschuldigten sowie zu dem von ihm genutzen #Fahrrad & #EScooter.
Hinweise bitte an:
☎️ (030) 4664-911777
📨 LKA117@polizei.berlin.de"