Finally able to hand over the finished product so can reveal the silliest things I’ve ever made: Greggs festive bake tree ornaments.
Finally able to hand over the finished product so can reveal the silliest things I’ve ever made: Greggs festive bake tree ornaments.
Thought I’d have to break the plaster to extract it from the mold, which would be fine if the mold was good. Only get to see if the mold is good after removing the master.
Somehow managed to extract it in one piece, but the mold is good so it doesn’t matter!
Slushcasting tomorrow then.
Thought I’d have to break the plaster to extract it from the mold, which would be fine if the mold was good. Only get to see if the mold is good after removing the master.
Somehow managed to extract it in one piece, but the mold is good so it doesn’t matter!
Slushcasting tomorrow then.
Right. Let’s try this again. With more steps. Step 1: festive bake in alginate.
Naturally, given I spent an age finding the correct ratio for my needs, I mathed wrong, so I’m going to leave it until after lunch before extracting.