Ran part of my group through the first level and some of level 2 of Dyson's Delve @dysonlogos tonight using Old School Essentials. They were a little trepeditious about the system (only one had played B/X before), but we had a blast. Got a little murder-hobo-y (but, one-shot) at points, but they started to come around to thinking outside the box for low level chars. I think I can get them to play OSE again. #dnd #ose #moldvay
Question for DM/GM/CKs on combat verisimilitude: do you penalize PCs carrying all their gear? Do you encourage players to drop their stuff? #dnd #lotfp #adnd #osr #ose #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #bfrpg #moldvay #becmi #bx
#DnD #lotfp #adnd #osr #ose #ttrpg #dungeonsAndDragons #bfrpg #moldvay #BECMI #bx
@laidbackdm And if the books featured in your photo are your original books, you've handled them with applaudable care! #basicdnd #Moldvay
In 1981 I got some money for my birthday (I didn’t often have money, we were a poor family). I went to the only wargames shop in my local town, & they had a game on display that cost exactly what I had. I bought it, thinking it was a board game. Took it home, opened it & exclaimed to my mum: “I’ve been ripped off - this game hasn’t got a board!” After my initial irritation, I read the red book in the box.
The rest, as they say, is history. #DnD #Basic, #Moldvay edition was my 1st #ttrpg 😊
In 1981 I got some money for my birthday (I didn’t often have money, we were a poor family). I went to the only wargames shop in my local town, and they had a game on display that cost exactly what I had. I bought it, thinking it was a board game. Took it home, opened it and exclaimed to my mum: “I’ve been ripped off - this game hasn’t got a board!” After my initial irritation, I read the red book in the box.
And the rest, as they say, is history. That was #DnD #Basic, #Moldvay edition. 😊