#IDMastodon #MolecularMedicine #Viralimmunology Excellent illustration from @virusesimmunity @SheaJAndrews
by @GitaPathakPhD on the genetic susceptibility to acute severe #COVID19 & #SARSCoV2 infection. At One Glance you learn the critical genes involved in The candidate genes are implicated in 3 key pathways: viral entry, mucosal airway defense, & type I interferon signaling..
#IDMastodon #molecularmedicine #viralimmunology #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #MolecularMedicine @embojournal #LongCovid the unraveling road .Thromboinflammation is the major cause of morbidity & mortality in #COVID19 patients,& post-mortem examination demonstrates the presence of platelet-rich thrombi and #microangiopathy in visceral organs. Moreover, persistent #microclots were detected in both acute #COVID & LC plasma
π https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/emmm.202216351
π https://www.embopress.org/toc/17574684/current
#IDMastodon #molecularmedicine #LongCovid #COVID19 #microangiopathy #microclots #COVID
date: 2023-03-29 11:01:46
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