La danseuse espagnole Hexabranchus sanguineus n'est plus la seule danseuse espagnole dans l'Indo-Pacifique ! Il y a toute une troupe ! 💃
En voici l'une, nouvellement décrite : la danseuse espagnole géante.
BOURJON Philippe, SITTLER Alain-Pierre in : #DORIS, 09/09/2023 :
Hexabranchus giganteus Tibiriçá, Pola & Cervera, 2023,
#nudibranches #biodiversité #Mollusca #Nudibranchia #CommeMonBras #SpanishDancer
#DORIS #nudibranches #biodiversite #mollusca #nudibranchia #commemonbras #spanishdancer
Une nouvelle arrivée dans la famille des #Raphitomidae de #Méditerranée : la raphitome pourpre et noire.
HOARAU André, HORST D., JUAN HORST E., SITTLER A.-P in "DORIS, 29/08/2023:
Raphitoma atropurpurea (Locard & Caziot,1900),
#raphitomidae #mediterranee #biodiversite #coquillages #mollusca #gastropoda
Nouvelle entrée dans la liste des #Raphitomidae, la raphitome de Philbert est dorénavant rédigée et illustrée sur le site.
HOARAU André, HORST Dominique, JUAN HORST Elisabeth, SITTLER Alain-Pierre in : #DORIS, 25/07/2023 :
Raphitoma philberti (Michaud, 1829),
#raphitomidae #DORIS #biodiversite #mollusca
🐌 Naši užiteční slimáci #ZelenaDomacnost #zahrada #měkkýši #mollusca
#zelenadomacnost #zahrada #mekkysi #mollusca
@dantheclamman Cone snails with their impressive hunting skills look to me like an emerging new branch of the #Mollusca, posed to rival cephalopods in another few million years.
Ar an trá i dTír Chonaill.
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT #Éirinn #Ireland #Donegal #Mollusca #Gastropoda #Seilidí
#throwbackthursday #tbt #eirinn #ireland #Donegal #mollusca #gastropoda #seilidi
📍 Berrigan, New South Wales
📸 Canon 750D
#NaturePhotographyDay #NaturePhotography #snail #landsnail #Mollusca #Gastropoda #gardenphotography #upclosephotography #uplcose #VMKPhotography #photography
#naturephotographyday #naturephotography #snail #landsnail #mollusca #gastropoda #gardenphotography #upclosephotography #uplcose #vmkphotography #photography
Cela faisait longtemps qu'une nlle #Cypraeidae caraïbes ne nous était arrivée !
La fiche sur la #porcelaine grise atlantique vient d'être publiée.
LE GRANCHÉ Ph., MÜLLER Y. in : #DORIS, 07/06/2023 :
Luria cinerea (Gmelin, 1791),
#biodiversite #gastropoda #Mollusca#cauri #biodiversidad #Caraïbes #Guyane
#cypraeidae #porcelaine #DORIS #biodiversite #gastropoda #mollusca #biodiversidad #caraibes #guyane
Nouvelle fiche de #lamellibranche méditerranéen et proche atlantique : le #pétoncle hyalin.
LE GRANCHÉ Ph., MÜLLER Y. in : #DORIS, 07/06/2023 :
Flexopecten hyalinus (Poli, 1795),
#biodiversite #bivalves #Mollusca #coquillages #Pectinidae #biodiversità
#lamellibranche #petoncle #DORIS #biodiversite #bivalves #mollusca #coquillages #pectinidae #biodiversita
Le peigne tigré fait l'objet de la nouvelle fiche DORIS mise en ligne.
LE GRANCHÉ Philippe, MÜLLER Yves in : #DORIS, 06/06/2023 :
Palliolum tigerinum (O. F. Müller, 1776),
#Bivalves #biodiversite #Mollusca #gastropoda #Pectinidae #biodiversity #Europe
#DORIS #bivalves #biodiversite #mollusca #gastropoda #pectinidae #biodiversity #Europe
Une nouvelle fiche de #limace de mer, un #sacoglosse (Mer du Nord, Atlantique Est, Méditerranée) est disponible : l'hermès bifide.
COVES Jacques, SITTLER Alain-Pierre, GIRARD Pascal in : #DORIS, 28/04/2023 :
Hermaea bifida (Montagu, 1815),
#limace #sacoglosse #DORIS #biodiversite #gasteropode #heterobranchia #mollusca
The pride of my personal collection - a Zoila gigas, the largest crown-group cowry shell (assuming Gisortiinae are non-crown group).
#fossilfriday #miocene #mollusca
Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology 🇬🇧 (2018)
My favorite album of the last 5 years. Hype af at the possibility of a new one in 2023 🐌
#willowtip #deathmetal #techdeath #invertebrates #mollusca #praisehisname
#praisehisname #mollusca #invertebrates #techdeath #deathmetal #Willowtip #nowplaying
CUTTLEFISH SQUID Sashimi – Korean Seafood
#cuttingskills #foodtravel #Hakodate #Hakodatedestinations #Hakodatetour #Hakodatetravel #Hakodatetrip #Hakodatevacation #localfood #Mollusca #seafood #streetfood #函館
#cuttingskills #foodtravel #hakodate #hakodatedestinations #hakodatetour #hakodatetravel #hakodatetrip #hakodatevacation #localfood #mollusca #seafood #streetfood #函館
A young Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris) on a stinging nettle.
When it is warm and humid, this species will emerge in masses.
#photography #photo #flowers #plants #nature #macro #macrophotography #naturephotography #wildlife #animals #slugs #arion #arionvulgaris #schnecken #wegschnecke #nacktschnecken #molluscs #mollusks #mollusca #gastropods #mft #microfourthirds #darktable
#photography #photo #flowers #plants #nature #macro #macrophotography #naturephotography #wildlife #animals #slugs #arion #arionvulgaris #schnecken #wegschnecke #nacktschnecken #molluscs #mollusks #mollusca #Gastropods #mft #microfourthirds #darktable
Amigos, convidamos toda comunidade malacológica para participar do evento da EBRAM & CLAMA 2023 os dias 2 e 6 de outubro virtualmente
Malacólogos! vamos a participar del evento virtual de EBRAM & CLAMA 2023, entre el 2 y 6 de octubre.
Malacological community come to participate in the EBRAM & CLAMA 2023 event, which will be held between the 2nd and 6th of October virtually.
#biology #biodiversity #mollusca #Malacology #taxonomy #genetics #ecology #systematic
#biology #biodiversity #mollusca #Malacology #taxonomy #genetics #ecology #systematic
Short course on "Biology and Taxonomy of Opisthobranch Sea Slugs"
Dates: September 18th-30th, 2023
Location: Panama
Instructors: Dr. Terry Gosliner and M.Sc. Lynn Bonomo.
#biology #taxonomy #mollusca #biodiversity #opisthobranch #slugs #life #lifesciences #lifescience
#biology #taxonomy #mollusca #biodiversity #opisthobranch #slugs #life #lifesciences #lifescience