Very sorry to hear we lost #mollyholzschlag, the Web's Fairy Godmother.
Here are some photos taken at SxSW in 2006 when we were all so very young and innocent; she's is in some of them, as are a bunch of people who later did very well for themselves.
We will miss you terribly, Mols.
Tombeau de #MollyHolzschlag, my tribute on #ukulele
A career highlight: #mollyholzschlag complimenting me after my talk at the Fundamentos Web 2006 conference in Spain. #rip
A little story about a time I spent with #mollyholzschlag in an airport, stranded between Sydney and Spain. #rip
Just looked around and found this piece of Mollyness I loved to share at the time:
The inspiration to WOMEN in the #web #webstandards industry, she left a strong, positive impression on me when I met her. She was a force. The web community has lost #MollyHolzschlag , may her candour be long with us ❤️
#web #webstandards #mollyholzschlag
Remembering Molly, one of the greats, from @Jayhoffmann .
#thehistoryoftheweb #mollyholzschlag
She was a prolific #author and regular speaker about the #OpenWeb, advocating for accessible and inclusive #OnlineDesign standards. Also known as "mollydotcom" after her eponymous site that was one of the first blogs, she wrote or co-wrote more than 30 books, and before falling ill she was frequently appearing on #Internet conference stages around the world.
Tucson's #MollyHolzschlag, known as 'the fairy godmother of the web,' dead at 60 | Obituary
#mollyholzschlag #Internet #onlinedesign #openweb #author
Was trying to remember who #MollyHolzschlag was and… saw that she followed me on Twitter?? Humblebrag, I guess.
#procrastinateasong #reasonstoignoreaphonecall #meermittwoch #woodlandwednesday #mollyholzschlag #waterfallwednesday #君は完璧で究極の__ #mozilla #wednesday
Took some time this evening and collected my Molly photos into a Flickr album. #mollyholzschlag
Tucson's Molly Holzschlag, known as 'the fairy godmother of the web,' dead at 60 | Obituary
#MollyHolzschlag #Web
She was one of my heroes!
So I made this wallpaper, to make sure every of my colleagues gets an introduction to #mollyholzschlag (and @Meyerweb) when they were asking about my desktop background. This was in 2007.
Remembering Molly Holzschlag. She's the force behind what many of us take for granted on the web.
Her books influenced me and inspired me to start my freelance web design business.
I was lucky to meet her in person, when she accepted my invitation to come to and speak in Detroit.
We stayed in touch online over the years.
Miss you, Mols.
#webstandards #mollyholzschlag
@Meyerweb "held court," you say? I wrote the same thing in a caption from SXSWi 2005. #mollyholzschlag
The irony for me with Molly Holzschlag is her influence on my journey through web design towards UX is that it is subtle. Molly was not subtle. But she was fierce, kind, and would still be here if we had a medical system in the US that wasn’t privatized. #RIP to a sometimes-forgotten catalyst for the modern responsive web. #mollyholzschlag
…I’d only met Molly a handful of times at conferences, but she was the infectiously inspiring Fairy Godmother of the Web that we all needed. A truly wonderful human.
She wrote books about web design and HTML since 1996!
But her book with Dave Shea changed my career forever in 2005.
She changed the web for the better.
#MollyHolzschlag #webDesign #CSSZenGarden #ZenGarden
#mollyholzschlag #webdesign #csszengarden #ZenGarden
#MollyHolzschlag passed yesterday. )-:
She was instrumental in building the Web we came to love, and was rightfully outspoken against the travesties as it evolved into today's mess.
She emoted anger toward the end as her health problems worsened and she spoke out against a broken system, but she was always nice, encouraging, and understanding with me, in our interactions. 💔
Seems this has been coming for a long time, and I'm relieved in some ways that she found the peace she's been demanding.
Before I even entered the profession, as a kid pecking away at a text box on site creators like Angelfire, I crossed paths with #MollyHolzschlag’s teachings. Hard to forget such a unique name and powerful voice, right?
She did so much good for so many and I will miss her dearly. Rest well, Molly, and thank you.
I'm grieving #MollyHolzschlag today. She had a hard time finding her place in a world that didn't have an easy assigned spot for her. But her absolute refusal to accept injustice kept her always struggling to redesign and reconfigure the constraining structures around her -- from Web standards to healthcare. She felt both joy and sadness very deeply and would not shield you from either. People who do so much good for so many people deserve so much better. RIP.