Dual-use asymmetric hybrid warfare needs to be a required high school course for the general public - and one day it will be, #inshallah.
#molonlabe #UnderNoCircumstances #inshallah
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕November 25th Release #15🎧
SIRRUSH - Molon Labe🇮🇹🔥
Debut album from Palermo, Sicily, Italian Black/Death Metal outfit🔥
#Sirrush #MolonLabe @NonServiamRec@twitter.com #BlackDeathMetal #FFFNov25 #KMäN
#KMaN #FFFNov25 #blackdeathmetal #molonlabe #sirrush
RT @ToddHagopian
The GOP is supporting Red Flag laws
If you need a new home, the Libertarians (@LPNational) are here for you
RT @ToddHagopian
Any attempt at gun confiscation would lead to the largest black market in the history of this United States...
And, probably a civil war
Well, glad to see the diddler monsters are showing themselves in the light now.
Which is fine.......we will hunt and find all of you f@ckers.
We must be close to the endgame now, TPTB are not hiding much these days.
#molonlabe #protectthechildren
RT @HMLoeschMcK
#ATF is going against #EO that @realDonaldTrump signed. This is putting our #2A at risk! #MolonLabe
#DontTreadOnUs! #StopInfringing! You are hurting #LegalLicensedGunOwners, this doesn't effect the #Criminals! @RepBobGibbs
& @senrobportman #DoSomething!
#atf #2a #molonlabe #eo #donttreadonus #StopInfringing #LegalLicensedGunOwners #criminals #dosomething
#TomWoods interview with #CodyWilson is full of interesting ideas. Wilson names his influences including #hoppe and #baudrillard, and #tomwoods
"We have the objective irony of the Universe on our side. The Universe doesn't want to be conquered and governed. We can use that for us rather than against us"
#tomwoods #codywilson #hoppe #baudrillard #ghostguns #molonlabe #3dprinting