"La gestion des populations ..."
Rien que ça, cette expression qui réduit les individus à un troupeau, et j'ai envie de me relancer dans la fabrication artisanale. 💣 💥
Les utilisateurs gratuits de Molotov, victimes collatérales de la taxe copie privée
👉 Depuis plusieurs mois, les abonnés freemium de l’application permettant de regarder la télé ne peuvent plus mettre le programme en pause. La faute à un différend avec les ayants droit.
#molotov #vod #streaming #television #copieprivee
Hit Me (Unplugged) #Molotov + #AnaTijoux
#NowPlaying @nowplaying
#molotov #anatijoux #nowplaying
""poor #people are happier with less" and "#money won't buy #happiness" is literally #classist #propaganda. stop buying into it and start making #molotov #cocktails"
“money won’t make you #happy” well i’d be a lot #happier if i knew a #medical bill wouldn’t send me into #financial #ruin"
#people #money #happiness #classist #propaganda #molotov #cocktails #happy #happier #medical #financial #ruin
Well, it's nice. That a #genocide was recognized as such, how amazing. But it would have been easy for most of the list to avoid escalating into the current genocide. #Ukraine just should have been supported earlier, at the latest after #Putin's statements about the #Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But these people had gone to great lengths to deny the facts.
By the way, according to Timofey #Sergeytsev's statement, it is genocide:
#genocide #ukraine #putin #molotov #sergeytsev
Tensione in #Kosovo: scontri tra manifestanti #serbi e KFOR, feriti anche militari italiani – Analisi Difesa
Sono 34 i militari della #KFOR della #NATO, tra ungheresi, moldavi e italiani, rimasti feriti negli scontri avvenuti oggi a #Zvecan in Kosovo settentrionale, durante le proteste della popolazione kosovaro-serba. I militari, a quanto apprende l’Adnkronos, sono rimasti feriti dal lancio di #molotov, con dentro chiodi, petardi e pietre.
#Kosovo #serbi #KFOR #NATO #zvecan #molotov
Damas y caballeros, el himno nacional 🫡
Molotov – Gimme tha Power
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #Molotov #DameElPoder #GimmeThaPower #Mexico #HimnoNacional #ElPuebloUnidoJamasSeraVencido #AsiEsPuto
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #molotov #dameelpoder #gimmethapower #mexico #himnonacional #elpueblounidojamasseravencido #asiesputo
IRLANDA: A DERRY MARCIA PER L’ANNIVERSARIO DELLA “RIVOLTA DI PASQUA” DEL 1916. MOLOTOV SULLA POLIZIA https://www.radiondadurto.org/2023/04/11/irlanda-a-derry-marcia-per-lanniversario-della-rivolta-di-pasqua-del-1916-molotov-sulla-polizia/ #goodfridayagreement #rivoltadipasqua #Internazionale #INTERNAZIONALI #IrlandadelNord #manifestazione #inghilterra #INEVIDENZA #ireland #irlanda #molotov #scontri #Storia #marcia #derry #News #1916
#goodfridayagreement #rivoltadipasqua #internazionale #internazionali #irlandadelnord #manifestazione #inghilterra #inevidenza #ireland #irlanda #molotov #scontri #storia #marcia #derry #news
Suite à la fermeture définitive du service #salto en France ce jour, les anciens clients se voient proposer un an d’abonnement à la formule #molotovextra de #molotov
Klima aktivisté bojují proti změně klimatu #molotov koktejly a zapalují policejní auta.
RT @visegrad24: BREAKING:
Major attack by climate change activists against the French police in Sainte Soline.
Molotov cocktails used by the attackers. Several police officers are injured.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomasZdechovsky/status/1639681549976174592
RT @laluciolemedia
C’est la guerre à Sainte-Soline. Des véhicules de gendarmerie sont incendiés !
#manifestation #SainteSoline #DeuxSèvres #BassinesNonMerci #megabassine #ReformeDesRetaites #AuroreBerge #CensurePopulaire #Molotov
#manifestation #SainteSoline #deuxsevres #BassinesNonMerci #megabassine #reformedesretaites #auroreberge #censurepopulaire #molotov
Today in Labor History March 17, 1942: The Nazis gassed the first Jews from the Lvov Ghetto at the Belzec death camp. The city was was 50% Polish, 32% Jewish and 16% Ukrainian and then part of Nazi-occupied Poland. In July, 1941, the ultranationalist Ukrainian People's Militia launched a pogrom on the city’s Jews. In 1943, the Nazis decided to murder all the remaining Jews of the Ghetto, many of whom fought back with Molotov cocktails. The city is now part of Ukraine.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #holocaust #genocide #antisemitism #nazis #ukraine #molotov #poland
#workingclass #LaborHistory #holocaust #genocide #antisemitism #nazis #ukraine #molotov #poland
Corte Suprema confirma sentencia de jóvenes que lanzaron bombas #molotov en #Osorno durante conversatorio de Daniel #Jadue