Check out our recent round table with Food Not Bombs Houston, Memphis, West Palm Beach, and Aberdeen. We discuss the history and present situation of Food Not Bombs repression.
Check out our recent round table with Food Not Bombs Houston, Memphis, West Palm Beach, and Aberdeen. We discuss the history and present situation of Food Not Bombs repression.
OUT NOW!! Episode 10
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Today we have a round table discussion on the harassment being faced by many Food Not Bombs Chapters around the so called US. This discussion will feature members from the Houston, Memphis, West Palm Beach, and of course Aberdeen Food Not Bombs.
We have music from Julie Lavery, Free Radicals, and Dinero Muerto, The Communique newsletter, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
#SabotMedia #MolotovNow #FoodNotBombs Food Not Bombs - Houston Food Not Bombs West Palm Beach Food Not Bombs Memphis Food Not Bombs - Chehalis River
#sabotmedia #molotovnow #foodnotbombs
Dual Power Midwest is only one week away...
Don;t miss our podcast interview with organizers of the upcoming gathering on Molotov Now! Episode 9.
#SabotMedia #MolotovNow
This time we are joined for two interviews, one with two organizers of a recent successful community defense action covering the first Pride event in Oregon City, and another with organizers of the upcoming Dual Power Gathering Midwest being held in Chicago August 17th to the 20th. This episode is all about the threats facing marginalized communities and the alternative power structures being built to liberate them.
We have music from sole and Rubella Ballet, a new audio newsletter, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
Find us on Itunes, IHeart, or wherever you get your podcasts. Please like, rate, and review us. Tell your friends about it. To support us use the Blackflower Collective account on Patreon.
#molotovnow #sabotmedia #dualpower #pride
In this episode we talk to several co-organizers of the recent Dual Power West, a unconference gathering that took place in the woods outside so-called Portland, OR. We discuss the need for these kinds of gatherings in building alternative structures of power outside the State. We reflect on what was learned, and how to make the next one more fruitful.
We have music from Evan Greer and We The Heathens, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
Find us on Itunes, IHeart, or wherever you get your podcasts. Please like, rate, and review us. Tell your friends about it. To support us use the Blackflower Collective account on Patreon.
#molotovnow #sabotmedia #dualpower
Episode 8 Dual Power Gathering West Roundtable
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S: This is Sprout
#MolotovNow #187 #22 #23 #29 #60 #DefendPride
Welcome to Molotov Now! This is Sprout, and this is Charyan, we are the hosts of Molotov Now!, and thank you for joining us on this episode of the podcast.
In this episode we talk to Dr. Aaron Goings, Associate professor of History at Saint Martin's University about his recent presentation at the 3rd annual May Day on the Harbor, held here in Hoquiam, WA. We discuss his work on researching the history of the town he once lived in, and try to tease out some lessons to be learned from that history that we can use in our current labor struggles.
We have music from The Window Smashing Job Creators and Them Badgers, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
Episode 6 Interview with Queer Satanic
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S: This is Sprout
C: and this is Charyan, an
#MolotovNow! #1 #133 #185 #27 #57 #58
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In this episode we read and analyze the article from The Harbor Rat Report which discusses the Police, their effect on our communities, their goals in society, and why the "good cop" you know may not be as good as you think.
We have music from Dead Prez and Leftover Crack, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
Find us on Itunes, IHeart, or wherever you get your podcasts. Please like, rate, and review us. Tell your friends about it. To support us use the Blackflower Collective account on Patreon.
Episode 5 The Problem With Good Cops
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S: This is Sprout
C: and this is C
#MolotovNow! #15 #183 #184 #26 #55 #56 #StopCopCity
Episode 4 Aberdeen and the Non Profit Industrial Complex, how the national system of poverty management manifests in our local non profit sector.
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#molotovnow #aberdeenlocal1312 #Podcast
Episode 4 Aberdeen and the Non Profit Industrial Complex
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S: This is Sprout
C: and this is
Just released, our third episode of Molotov Now!
In this episode we finish out our three episode introductory series with a discussion about where the Harbor is headed. We chat with Blackflower Collective about their plans for low income housing paired with a social center full of community resources.
Available on our website at
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Discussions with The Blackflower Collective
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S: This is Sprout
C: and this is Charyan, and we are the h
We just released part two of our second podcast episode on he History of the Harbor's Homeless. You can listen on our website at
Find us on Itunes, IHeart, or wherever you get your podcasts. Please like, rate, and review us. Tell your friends about it. To support us use the Blackflower Collective account on Patreon.
History of the Harbor’s Homeless Pt 2
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S: This is Sprout,
C: and this is Charyan, and w
Episode 2 pt. 1 – History of the Harbor’s Homeless
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This is Sprout, and this is Chary